One of the topics we discussed at the Equinox meeting today was the auth 
API.... Opening up the conversation to the wider audience. We add a few 
notable pieces of function on top of JAAS:

1) The ability to wire together JAAS components via extension points
2) The ability to monitor events in the JAAS login lifecycle
3) A lazy login when getSubject() is called 

Currently there are two schools of thought.

1) A factory (ISecurePlatform) that returns an interface (ISecureContext) 
that looks much like -and wraps- a JAAS LoginContext (plus add/remove 
listener, modified getSubject)
2) A factory (LoginContextFactory) that returns an actual LoginContext 
class (EquinoxLoginContext extends JAAS LoginContext and overrides 
getSubject()), and a listener registration facility (ListenerRegisterer or 
the like) that takes an EquinoxLoginContext (or perhaps even a plain-old 
JAAS LoginContext)

See LoginContext:

We currently implement #1. Doing #2 has a little bit of funk to it. One 
problem is that getSubject() does not throw an exception - we cannot 
extend this method to add the exception. One way around this could be to 
return an 'anonymous' subject - either an empty one or one with a 
contractually agreed 'anonymous' principal. This is a fairly reasonable 

The basic dilemma boils down to whether we extend LoginContext (which is 
not final), or wrap it up in our own thing.



Matt Flaherty
Security Project Lead, Lotus Notes & Eclipse Equinox
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