On 13.9.09 11:56 , Olav Kjær wrote:
While experimenting with code-completion for ECMAScript I noticed a
limitation with array comprehension syntax.
The syntax as proposed (and implemented in Mozilla) has the output
expression before the loop and filter:

     [i.toString() for each (i in [1,2,3]) if (i != 2)]

The problem is that the variable i in the output expression is defined
by code to the right of it.

How do you address the following function?

function foo()
  i = 3;
  var i;
  return i;

Or this one?

function foo()
    var i = 2;
    throw i;
  catch (e)
    return i;

Name before declaration is a problem already posed by the existing language 
syntax, isn't it?

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