I am currently working on building an executable version of the semantics of regular expression pattern matching, and I think I've found in a bug in how they are specified in both the released version of ECMA-262 and the latest working draft.

In §, it says that:
The production Term :: Assertion evaluates by returning an internal Matcher closure that takes two arguments, a State x and a Continuation c, and performs the following:
1. Evaluate Assertion to obtain an AssertionTester t.
[ ... ]

However, the definition of the negative and positive lookahead assertions in § do not return AssertionTesters (like the ^, $, \b, and \B assertions do) but matchers:
The production Assertion :: ( ? = Disjunction ) evaluates as follows:
1. Evaluate Disjunction to obtain a Matcher m.
2. Return an internal Matcher closure that takes two arguments, a State x and a Continuation c, and performs the following steps: 1. Let d be a Continuation that always returns its State argument as a successful MatchResult.
   2. Call m(x, d) and let r be its result.
   3. If r is failure, return failure.
   4. Let y be r's State.
   5. Let cap be y's captures internal array.
   6. Let xe be x's endIndex.
   7. Let z be the State (xe, cap).
   8. Call c(z) and return its result.

Joshua Cranmer

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