
Isn't optional typing (similar to TypeScript) a good thing?

Let's say I want to do some image processing. And images can be really huge nowadays. If I allocate an array of dynamic variables, that array may be 10x larger than if it was an array of bytes. And I need bytes to store and process R,G,B,A values separately. So, the array itself could have a descriptor of the type, and each member of the array can then contain only the value.

As things are now, a 32 megapixel image in ES would allocate 32,000,000 x 4 = 128 million dynamic variables. If each variant takes up 8 bytes, that's 1 GB per image. Let's say I have two source images, one mask and one output. That's 4 gigabytes just in images, not counting the application, libraries, web browser, other running apps, OS, drivers, etc.

That's a waste of resources. Native apps would need only about 0.5 GB for all 4 source images, so it would run on a wide variety of devices as opposed to the ES variant. And thus the author would sell more copies and earn more money. Instead of getting comments like "Why did you made this crappy slow app. Learn to program. Competition is much faster".

If ES is to become a proper, truly versatile language, shouldn't programmer be allowed to use it's knowledge of the app design to optimize resources?

Best regards,


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