*12/14/2012 at Google Inc

Meeting of Internationalization ad-hoc group

Attendees: Norbert (Mozilla), Mark Davis (Google, Unicode), Richard
(Amazon), Suresh (Microsoft), Eric (Microsoft), Nebojsa (Google)

Go through http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=globalization:meetings,
presentation.pdf document and clarify what goes into v2.0 API and discuss
each feature.

Names in () are to write strawman document in Globalization namespace in es

Normalization (Norbert)
- Add String.prototype.normalize to ES6 spec
- It has one parameter which is the type of normalization - NFC, NFD, NFKC,
- NFKCCF - Normalization + case fold, ignores ignorable characters
- CF is simple case fold, locale independent

Case conversion (Norbert)
- toLowerCase/toUpperCase would change in ES6 spec
- There are lower, upper (support full, simple is already supported in JS),
title and case fold casings
- All except case fold are locale specific
- Sentence casing has 31 character exceptions (title casing) - propose a
warning in the spec
- Case folding for sure, say CSS use - but it would be locale independent,
which is a problem wih Turkish variant and some others - add it to
- update toLowerCase/toUppercase, put a warrning in the spec about title
case, and implement case folding in normalize method

Character properties (Norbert)
- RegExp needs a proposal - investigation in progress by Luke Hoben on how
RE works in browsers
- Throw exceptions on unknown \Unicode chars if /u is present in RegExp
- Which properties to support and what syntax to use - probably Unicode
level 1+ regex specification
- Luke and Norbert have to finish investigation before we can proceed
- Unicode level 1 required, level 2 is optional but we may merge some
things from levels

MessageFormat (cira)
- Template string is hard to implement without tooling
- Have separate proposal
- Provide samples for plural, select/gender
- Change existing Shanjian’s proposal, eliminate positional placeholders {0}
- Sample date, number, people - code that formats date, number and

Date time format (Mark - duration)
- relative dates, intervals, duration - some requests came in asking for
- give people raw materials?
- or try guessing what to use?
- Duration may be low effort high impact (long, short - countdown)
- Add more formats to accepted date formats:
 - weekday, month, day (willing to add)
 - minute, second (we need a good use case for this one - better handled
with duration)
 - eras are missing (not able to support those for now - probably not - low
priority for MS)
- Timezone support is mandatory
- how to specify generic/specific names for timezones - open issue whether
to allow people to specify the request

Date picker API
- HTML input element (for date picker) may solve this, but if it gets
removed from the spec we could do it
- Is anybody using non Gregorian picker?

Segmentation (Rich)
- Use cases - offline indexing, editor controls, text highlighting
- Open source code ahead!! -

Display names (Jungshik)
- if we have time
- Microsoft can support whatever is present in the installed/current
language pack + English
- Useful for list of countries, languages...
- Don’t offer it or offer as a best effort - open issue

Number parsing (Cira)
- with delimiters
- but no currency, percent...

Alphabetic index (Mark)
- not a trivial amount data so better to have browser support

Script reordering (Norbert)
- Needs a list of scripts to order
- new extension to the locale id and option to the collator

Pseudo-numbering systems (Norbert)
- financial numbering systems should be resolved with actual system*

Nebojša Ćirić
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