Re: System.import()?

2015-08-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

I agree with you that there needs to be making rapid progress with the dynamic 
module API. I also think, that TC39 need to be full engaged with the design of 
that API.

However, I have some issues with the specifics you defined below.  My 
over-riding concern is that we don't loose from the specification the ability 
to do static, ahead-of-time module linking for implementations and situations 
where all modules are know and available prior to program execution.  
Ahead-of-time lining was an important consideration for the structuring of ES6 
clause 15.2.1 and I'd hate to see us go backwards in that regard (instead I 
think that we should refractor ModuleDeclarationInstantiation (and Module  
Record) to clarify which parts of it can be performed during ahead-of-time 

The key enabler for ahead-of-time linking is that the abstract operations and 
data structures required to specify module linking must not depend upon ES 
runtime values or runtime data structures.

More specific concerns below

On Aug 18, 2015, at 2:37 PM, Jason Orendorff wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 12:11 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 HostResolveImportedModule is widely implemented by compilers, though
 not by browsers. People are writing, using, and sharing ES6 modules today.
 So what is your proposal then? Just standardize the node module resolution 
 algorithm, since that is what transpilers are doing?
 Here's what I had in mind:
 *   Do not standardize the Node algorithm or any other module loading
 algorithm in ECMA-262. That responsibility belongs to the Loader

 *   Change the signature of HostResolveImportedModule to match
 `System.import()`, which takes a this-value and two strings (name and

HostResovleImportedModule must be an ahead-of-time friendly abstract operation, 
hence it can't depend upon a this-value or any runtime value. It isn't clear to 
me why you think that parameter is needed.  Changing the refer from a Module 
Record to a string would not create an ahead-of-time link issue, but I'm not 
sure why you think that is needed.

 *   Clarify that HostResolveImportedModule (and its existing callers
 in the spec) operate asynchronously, e.g. by adding a
 PromiseCapability argument, like PerformPromiseAll. (The async
 functions proposal takes a different approach to specifying async
 algorithms, but I'm not sure if that's final wording or what exactly.)

The linking algorithm (which is threaded through 
ModuleDeclarationInstantiation, that's what I think needs refactoring) calls 
HostResolveImportedModule and so it can't have any dependencies upon ES 
promises or any other ES runtime artifacts.

The easy way to make module loading asynchronous  (without adding runtime 
dependencies or complicating linking with async steps algorithm) is to define a 
Job (all ES Jobs are async) that performs the module loading steps.  That's 
essentially what TopLevelModuleEvaluationJob does.  A SystemLoad job would be 
similar, but could have additional steps that are specific to the semantics of 
dynamic module loading.
 *   Specify a `System` builtin object.
 *   Specify a builtin method System.import(name[, referrer]) that
 performs these steps:
1.  Let promiseCapability be NewPromiseCapability(%Promise%).
2.  Return HostResolveImportedModule(this value, name, referrer,
 Nothing terribly exciting here. Some vaguely interesting refactoring
 in the second and third bullet points.

I would do the equivalent via the DynamicModuleEvaluation Job:

System.import (or whatever it is called)would:

  1. Create a new PromiseCapability
  2. Start a DynamicModuleEvaluation job, passing it the promise capability 
along with the user supplied arguments
  3. Return the Promise object of the PromiseCapability

 The intent with `System.import()` all along was to provide a dynamic
 equivalent to the static `import` syntax. Why not go one step further
 and make it official that they share an implementation? That's all
 this proposal does, and that's enough to make a useful standard API
 for people who are writing ES6 modules right now.

Fine, as long as we don't further muddle-up those parts of module 
linking/loading that don't have runtime dependencies with those that do.


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Re: Re: Existential Operator / Null Propagation Operator

2015-08-20 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 19 August 2015 at 16:21, Tingan Ho wrote:

 Strange why do they need an operator for that? Probably to make it less
 error prone with access nil errors. But that could be fixed with static
 code analysis.

OT but: The whole point of optional values (as opposed to
null/nil/undefined inhabiting everything) is to make the boundaries of
optionality explicit, thereby avoiding Hoare's billion dollar mistake.

That said, convenient operators like ! already destroy half the benefit.
Plenty of experience from other languages like ML or Haskell shows that
they are almost always used incorrectly (read: over-optimistically). If a
language has to have such an operator, it should at least be very explicit
and as inconvenient as bearable.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:09 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 In TypeScript `?` means optional. But throw if the value is nil is the
 same same as non-nullable?

 In Swift, the postfix ! operator unwraps an optional value, throwing if



 Tingan Ho

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Re: Property ordering of [[Enumerate]] / getOwnPropertyNames()

2015-08-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Aug 20, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Jesse McCarthy wrote:

 I just want to confirm some things about property enumeration order of plain 
 Objects. I apologize that this has probably already been discussed before, 
 but it's hard to locate a clear answer. Please note that I'm solely asking 
 about ES2015 spec compliance, not what's in the wild.
 var y = Object.create(null);
 // Note that property names are all strings. = 1;
 y.two = 2;
 y.three = 3;
 This is my understanding of what's guaranteed (or not) about enumeration 
 order (in the context of the example given):
 1. No guarantee of order
 Anything that relies on or has property-order equivalence with 
 `[[Enumerate]]` or `EnumerableOwnNames`
 1b. for (x in y)
 1c. Object.keys(y)
 This is based on the statement in 9.1.11 [[Enumerate]] () step 1:
 The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified
 Although it says that...
 [[Enumerate]] must obtain the own property keys of the target object as if 
 by calling its [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method.
 ...and `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]` specifies ordering, my reading is that 
 `[[Enumerate]]` doesn't guarantee that the iterator it returns will preserve 
 the order returned by `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]`.

Correct.  Historically, the for-in order was not defined and there has been 
variation among browser implementations in the order they produce.(and other 
specifics).   ES5 added Object.keys and the requirement that  it should order 
the keys identically to for-in. During development of both ES5 and ES6 the 
possibility of defining a defining a specific for-in order was considered but 
not adopted because of  web legacy compatibility concerns and uncertainly about 
the willingness of browsers to make changes in the ordering they currently 

If we decided to specify the for-in order it would be the order produced by the 
informative algorithm provided in 9.1.11.

As a step in that direction, we should consider for ES7 adding to 9.1.11 
something like:

If the target object's [[Prototype]] is null, then properties have the same 
relative ordering for both  [[Enumerate]] and [[OwnPropertyKeys]]

 2. Guarantee of insertion order (['one', 'two', 'three'])

 Are those interpretations correct?
 In this thread...
 ...Bergi asked these pertinent questions that no one answered:
 But why was the default object [[enumerate]] algorithm not specced to match 
 the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order then?
 Shouldn't we add a guarantee to [[enumerate]] that the subset of enumerated 
 own properties comes in insertion order as well?

legacy concerns, see above and numerous  historic es-discuss threads


 This is partly in reference to
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Property ordering of [[Enumerate]] / getOwnPropertyNames()

2015-08-20 Thread Jesse McCarthy
I just want to confirm some things about property enumeration order of plain 
Objects. I apologize that this has probably already been discussed before, 
but it's hard to locate a clear answer. Please note that I'm solely asking 
about ES2015 spec compliance, not what's in the wild.


var y = Object.create(null);
// Note that property names are all strings. = 1;
y.two = 2;
y.three = 3;

This is my understanding of what's guaranteed (or not) about enumeration 
order (in the context of the example given):

1. No guarantee of order
Anything that relies on or has property-order equivalence with 
`[[Enumerate]]` or `EnumerableOwnNames`

1b. for (x in y)
1c. Object.keys(y)

This is based on the statement in 9.1.11 [[Enumerate]] () step 1:

The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified

Although it says that...
[[Enumerate]] must obtain the own property keys of the target object as if 
by calling its [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method.

...and `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]` specifies ordering, my reading is that 
`[[Enumerate]]` doesn't guarantee that the iterator it returns will preserve 
the order returned by `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]`.

2. Guarantee of insertion order (['one', 'two', 'three'])

Are those interpretations correct?

In this thread...

...Bergi asked these pertinent questions that no one answered:
But why was the default object [[enumerate]] algorithm not specced to 
match the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order then?

Shouldn't we add a guarantee to [[enumerate]] that the subset of 
enumerated own properties comes in insertion order as well?

This is partly in reference to

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Property ordering of [[Enumerate]] / getOwnPropertyNames()

2015-08-20 Thread Adam Klein
This doesn't answer the spec question, exactly, but v8 doesn't currently
conform to ES6's requirements for [[OwnPropertyKeys]]: some objects return
names in an implementation-dependent order (see for more details).

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Jesse McCarthy wrote:

 I just want to confirm some things about property enumeration order of
 plain Objects. I apologize that this has probably already been discussed
 before, but it's hard to locate a clear answer. Please note that I'm solely
 asking about ES2015 spec compliance, not what's in the wild.


 var y = Object.create(null);
 // Note that property names are all strings. = 1;
 y.two = 2;
 y.three = 3;

 This is my understanding of what's guaranteed (or not) about enumeration
 order (in the context of the example given):

 1. No guarantee of order
 Anything that relies on or has property-order equivalence with
 `[[Enumerate]]` or `EnumerableOwnNames`
 1b. for (x in y)
 1c. Object.keys(y)

 This is based on the statement in 9.1.11 [[Enumerate]] () step 1:

 The mechanics and order of enumerating the properties is not specified

 Although it says that...

 [[Enumerate]] must obtain the own property keys of the target object as
 if by calling its [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method.

 ...and `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]` specifies ordering, my reading is that
 `[[Enumerate]]` doesn't guarantee that the iterator it returns will
 preserve the order returned by `[[OwnPropertyKeys]]`.

 2. Guarantee of insertion order (['one', 'two', 'three'])

 Are those interpretations correct?

 In this thread...

 ...Bergi asked these pertinent questions that no one answered:

 But why was the default object [[enumerate]] algorithm not specced to
 match the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order then?
 Shouldn't we add a guarantee to [[enumerate]] that the subset of
 enumerated own properties comes in insertion order as well?

 This is partly in reference to

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