Re: Pseudo headless arrows

2016-04-21 Thread Fabrício Matté
gt; On Apr 21, 2016 3:34 PM, "Fabrício Matté" <> wrote: > > The `==>` token would look like a new operator, which developers would > have to look up in order to know exactly what it does. It is more confusing > than helpful, IMHO. > Also `==>x`

Re: Pseudo headless arrows

2016-04-21 Thread Fabrício Matté
The `==>` token would look like a new operator, which developers would have to look up in order to know exactly what it does. It is more confusing than helpful, IMHO. Also `==>x` has the same length as `_=>x`, the latter not introducing any new syntax (although it does employ an ugly unused

Re: [ small request - Javascript for javaing]

2016-01-01 Thread Fabrício Matté
On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Herby Vojčík wrote: > Maybe we should rename the colloquial name of the language, to give clear > signal to this kind of Javaist that Java should not have been there at > first place and JS is something else. To retain .js extension it should be

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-20 Thread Fabrício Matté
On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 8:39 PM, Bergi wrote: > I've never heard of an "Arrow function expression" - it's just "arrow > function" :-) It is true that the current spec. always refers to the production as "ArrowFunction". Though, there are threads proposing Arrow Function

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-20 Thread Fabrício Matté
On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 7:32 PM, wrote: > there is no reason to create an async function to invoke another async > function; one can simply invoke it, and if the result/completion is > required, use it's ,then() memberbut there's no need/advantage to > wrapping such an

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
You can use II(A)FE to summon strict mode in sloppy contexts (such as Chrome's DevTools console): ```js (() => { 'use strict'; // ... })(); ``` This is useful as Chrome either does not implement or uses legacy semantics for quite a few ES2015 features in sloppy mode (e.g. let, const). As

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
Good call, Dmitry. Async IIFEs are also useful to parallelize different sequences of async operations. E.g.: ```js async function main() { await* [ (async () => await seq1op2(await seq1op1()))(), (async () => { await seq2op1(); await seq2op2(); })(), ]; } ``` Here is

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
@bread I see you are referencing Dmitry's sample, but why do you say it won't work? AFAIK async functions return promises, so you don't necessarily need a top-level `await`. I believe this (extremely ugly) sample should work: ```js function f(cb) { (async function() { // await here

Re: Legitimate uses of IIFEs?

2015-12-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 8:10 PM, wrote: > I believe await* has gone from the spec. The correct form would be (at the > top-level): > True, I guess `await*` never made it to the proposal's formal text. It still worked in Babel the last time I checked, though. FWIW, `await*

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Fabrício Matté
You don't need to be a language guru to know which operation will be performed first, you can (and should) check an operator precedence and associativity table such as MDN's . Knowing operator

Re: Static local variables

2015-08-10 Thread Fabrício Matté
What you've described seems very similar to PHP's static variables They are very nice syntactic sugar, in my opinion. I'm just not sure if this is worth adding new syntax to the language, as there is already a

Re: Module import/export bindings

2015-03-15 Thread Fabrício Matté
Regarding the internal server error, see /fm ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: A Declarative replacement for toMethod

2015-02-23 Thread Fabrício Matté
``` PostfixExpression : [...] MixinExpression [no LineTerminator here] ++ MixinExpression [no LineTerminator here] -- ``` Is this a typo? What is the point of the `++`/`--` postfix operators after a `MixinExpression`? /fm ___ es-discuss

Re: A Declarative replacement for toMethod

2015-02-23 Thread Fabrício Matté
It's establishing the precedence of the MixinExpression between PostfixExpression and LeftHandSideExpression. Thanks Kevin, I thought it could be the case, but I still can't see when that is relevant -- as far as I can see, the resulting value of a mixinExpression is always an object (or a

Re: Rev32 ES6 draft now available

2015-02-02 Thread Fabrício Matté
So much awesomeness in this revision, congratz TC39! /fm ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: es-discuss Digest, Vol 95, Issue 45

2015-01-20 Thread Fabrício Matté
Point 2 is incorrect (e.g. `new (Foo.bind.apply(Foo, [undefined].concat(args)))`). I stand corrected. That's very good news, thanks! Nice and elegant solution, by the way. I should have taken the time to look at how current transpilers handle that. Your solution is similar to Traceur's

Re: Array.prototype.contains solutions

2015-01-20 Thread Fabrício Matté
I faintly remember seeing a sort of proposal containing many different approaches as how to solve this generic built-ins extensions problem in future editions of ECMAScript. I believe it was authored by Domenic Denicola, in Gist/GitHub format if memory serves me right. I can't seem to find it,

Re: Array.prototype.contains solutions

2015-01-20 Thread Fabrício Matté leads to which is probably what you were thinking of. They were not very good ideas. For some reason I thought you had evolved those ideas

Fwd: es-discuss Digest, Vol 95, Issue 45

2015-01-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
In that case, we can expect that users will want to implement factory when called as a default behavior for their classes. From that, we can foresee that the following pattern: if (! return new Whatever(...args); will become a kind of boilerplate. Obviously, we want to

Re: es-discuss Digest, Vol 95, Issue 45

2015-01-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
Your second example may break if the constructor is called via `.call()`/`.apply()` or as a *CallExpression : MemberExpression* or if it has been `.bind()`ed. Although these may look like corner cases, a good transform should cover these cases, especially *CallExpression : MemberExpression* as it

Re: A new ES6 draft is available

2015-01-17 Thread Fabrício Matté
I agree with Frankie. Assume a developer who has never seen this `` construct before. They will first think that this is an invalid expression, as `new` is an operator. Then, upon seeing this code execute, the natural question is What is `new`? Is it an identifier injected into

Re: A new ES6 draft is available

2015-01-17 Thread Fabrício Matté
For a short term solution, I would suggest ``. The `arguments` object already contains info about how the function was called (its arguments, the deprecated/obsolete `callee` and obsolete/never-spec'd `caller` properties), so adding information about how the function was called

Re: A new ES6 draft is available

2015-01-17 Thread Fabrício Matté
Currently in ES6, the only reserved keywords that can appear immediately before a `.` are `this` and `super`. The `this` binding resolves to a value, so MemberExpressions make sense. The `super` keyword is being implemented in ES6, so there are no precedents to set expectations. Any other

Re: A new ES6 draft is available

2015-01-17 Thread Fabrício Matté
Oh thanks! I just got a copy of the draft rev 31 to check it out. Meta properties sounds like a good name to me. Also, JavaScript meta properties does not have significantly relevant search results, so it should be easy to google for in the future. /fm

Re: Promise rejections don't resolve the argument

2014-12-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
`Promise.resolve` and the Promise executor function's `resolve` argument lets you delegate the fulfillment of the given promise to another promise object. That is essential for composability. In the other hand, `Promise.reject` and the Promise executor function's `reject` argument are to be

Re: Promise rejections don't resolve the argument

2014-12-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
*By any object I mean any value. Anyway, it would be interesting to see a real use case for passing a promise as reject reason. /FM ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promise rejections don't resolve the argument

2014-12-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
Yes, delegating to another promise which then rejects should cover that use case. `=]` /FM ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Weak{Map,Set}.p.clear() implementation proposal

2014-10-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
Nice idea, but there seems to be (some) complications. Set **this** to *T*. What is `this` specifically? As far as I can see, it is a value and not a reference. And even if it were a reference, setting it to point to another object does not affect the other references which point to the old

Fwd: Weak{Map,Set}.p.clear() implementation proposal

2014-10-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
What I mean is, consider this code: ```js var wsRef = new WeakSet(); var wsRef2 = wsRef; wsRef.clear(); ``` As far as I can see, in the `wsRef.clear()` algorithm, the `this` value has no relation with the `wsRef` identifier. Even if there was some internal magic around changing the identifier's

Re: Weak{Map,Set}.p.clear() implementation proposal

2014-10-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
​ Not in pure ECMAScript being interpreted, but it can definitely be done in the implementation. Yeah I think so too, but if no where else in the specification uses this pattern, implementations would be required to implement new mechanisms and possibly have de-optimizations.

Re: Weak{Map,Set}.p.clear() implementation proposal

2014-10-28 Thread Fabrício Matté
I understand that objects are passed by reference in Java (similarly to ECMAScript), however I'm not sure how implementations link Lexical Environments' identifiers to their respective values, and re-mapping these would be more complicated than the C++ sample you've posted I believe.​ As far as I

Re: Array.prototype.values is not web compat (even with unscopables)

2014-10-19 Thread Fabrício Matté
@Benjamin Not sure if I understand what you mean. If standards don't dictate, then how are we supposed to expect interoperable implementations? By impossible I suspect you mean something that browser vendors should never do. I understand back-compatibility with the Web is a must for browser

Re: Array.prototype.values is not web compat (even with unscopables)

2014-10-18 Thread Fabrício Matté
Here is a related Twitter discussion: To highlight the main points: Domenic Denicola claims that extending built-in prototypes is not web-compatible. Indeed, if we consider all possible corner-cases and ignore best practices (which is often