Re: FW: Removal of language features

2017-07-27 Thread Bill Frantz

On 7/26/17 at 3:18 PM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

If you are concerned about JS pedagogy or marketing, the solution already
practiced is to subset. Just as when teaching English or another evolved,
irregularity-ridden living language.

The real problem with bloat is reading code, not writing it. 
However, if a reader can easily look up a nearly abandoned, but 
still supported, construct to find out what it does and what 
footguns it includes, that situation is probably better than 
having some unmaintained web site fail when a new version of a 
browser comes out that no longer supports that construct.

YMMV - Bill

Bill Frantz| Re: Hardware Management Modes: | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | If there's a mode, there's a   | 16345 
Englewood Ave | failure mode. - Jerry Leichter | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Bill Frantz

On 8/27/15 at 11:51 PM, (Niloy Mondal) wrote:

x ** y ** z is easier to read/write than x.pow(y.pow(z))

As a language guru, you know which operation will be performed 
first. As Joe programmer, I don't and I would need to write it 
as x ** (y ** z).

With some operations, like +, the order doesn't matter and x + y 
+ z is not confusing.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|We used to quip that password is the most common
408-356-8506   | password. Now it's 'password1.' Who said 
users haven't | learned anything about security? -- Bruce Schneier

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Re: The Tragedy of the Common Lisp, or, Why Large Languages Explode (was: revive let blocks)

2015-06-20 Thread Bill Frantz
While I am also concerned with the problem of ever-expanding 
languages because the larger they grow, the harder they are to 
learn, and the harder it is to read someone else's code which 
uses unfamiliar features, there are other issues that are 
equally important.

I find the most unappreciated feature of a language is the list 
of things it can't do. For a bit of background, my first program 
was written in machine language, and after struggling with it, 
the instructor introduced the class to a wonderful tool: 
assembler language. Sufficient to say, I know about languages 
with built in footguns.

The advantage of having a language that doesn't allow certain 
things is that you don't have to worry about them when you are 
debugging or reviewing a program. Memory safety is high on the 
list of useful features which JS has. Another very valuable 
feature is the ability to limit what a piece of code can do 
before you invoke it. In the JS arena, this kind of limitation 
allows web sites which give their users security assurances to 
run arbitrary JS provided by advertisers. ES2015 has a number of 
features to support this usage, but because of the need to not 
break the web, they are a bit delicate to use.

It would be good to include a list of the things you can't do in 
the language specification so failures in this area are clearly 
bugs in either the implementation or the specification. I would 
suggest for JS that this list include the things required for 
confining a piece of JS code running within a larger 
environment, like a web page to keep it from doing all the 
things the web page can do.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Ham radio contesting is a| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | contact sport.   | 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Ken Widelitz K6LA / VY2TT | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Supporting feature tests directly

2015-03-26 Thread Bill Frantz

On 3/26/15 at 8:51 AM, (Kyle Simpson) wrote:

As I mentioned near the beginning of this thread, 
`Reflect.parse(..)` would generally suit the proposed use-case, 
except it does a lot of extra work (creating and returning a 
tree -- a value that then I'd be throwing away creating 
unnecessary GC) that feature testing itself doesn't need. It's 
unclear that `Reflect.parse(..)` would provide any additional 
performance gains over the current `eval` / `Function` 
approach, and could even be potentially worse.

I don't see a real need for high performance in these tests. 
AFAICS, they occur once, probably at load time. A smart JS 
implementation might even parse the Reflect.parse() string at 
the same time it is parsing the main set of JS code. As such, 
the extra overhead for CPU and GC will probably be swamped by 
the communication CPU and transmission times.

Not using eval makes it more likely that you will be able to 
perform the tests in safe subsets of JS.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Privacy is dead, get over| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | it.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Scott McNealy | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Early error on '0' followed by '8' or '9' in numeric literals does not seem to be web-compatible

2014-08-06 Thread Bill Frantz

On 8/5/14 at 8:05 AM, (Mark S. Miller) wrote:

Because of compatibility constraints, JS history can generally proceed only
in an additive manner, which means a steady degradation of quality along
the simplicity dimension. An opt-in mode switch is the only way to escape
that dynamic. Strict mode is the only one we've got, and the only one we're
likely to have in the foreseeable future. Strict mode should not accept
octal literals. Regarding sloppy mode, it continues to exist only for the
sake of legacy compat, so adding more crap to it for better web compat is
the right tradeoff -- as long as the crap stays quarantined within sloppy

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Mathias Bynens wrote:


In section 11.8.3 (Numeric Literals), the definition for
`DecimalIntegerLiteral` should somehow be tweaked to match that of
`DecimalDigits`, with the exception that if the first digit is `0` and all
other digits are octal digits (0-7) it must be treated as a legacy octal

So this horrible footgun, changing the value of a constant 
changes its radix, is only lurking in sloppy mode.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Concurrency is hard. 12 out  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | 10 programmers get it wrong. | 16345 
Englewood Ave |- Jeff Frantz | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Iterator current/prev value

2014-03-23 Thread Bill Frantz

On 3/23/14 at 11:24 AM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

Marcus Stade wrote:
This is assuming that the `current` or `prev` property is 
indeed implemented by the engine and not user land, as that 
indeed both carries implementation cost and the risk out 
running out of sync. Is there any way other than generator 
functions to implement iterators? Are any ol' object with a 
function called `next` an iterator?

Any old object. It's a structural or duck-typed protocol.

We won't therefore be adding complexity, which is also bad on 
its own. KISS wins here. More elaborate protocols for harder or 
let's say rarer cases are fine and not part of the mandatory minimum.

It seems it should be easy for any user or library to introduce 
in generalized intermediate object which implements the 
`current` or 'prev' property, so it doesn't need to be in the language.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Truth and love must prevail  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | over lies and hate.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |   - Vaclav Havel | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Source maps (was: Multiline Strings)

2014-03-16 Thread Bill Frantz

On 3/14/14 at 3:02 PM, (Nick Fitzgerald) wrote:

I feel very strongly that users debugging their sources that were
compiled to js should be able to set watch expressions and conditional
breakpoints in their source language.

My experience with debuggers says the while the vast majority of 
the time you want to be able to debug it in the language you 
wrote, sometimes you want to debug it in the language it broke 
in. Being able to look at the lower level language can clear up 
misconceptions about what a higher level construct means. It can 
also reveal compiler bugs.

It should also be recognized that all compiled programs break in 
machine language. :-)

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Concurrency is hard. 12 out  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | 10 programmers get it wrong. | 16345 
Englewood Ave |- Jeff Frantz | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Symbol.keyFor

2013-12-22 Thread Bill Frantz
In KeyKOS we used the word name. We had another meaning for 
the word key and wanted to avoid confusion.

Cheers - Bill

On 12/22/13 at 9:57 PM, (Axel Rauschmayer) wrote:

Offhand, ID instead of key, but that is awfully generic. It may make sense to 
invent a new term.

On Dec 22, 2013, at 6:53 , Mark S. Miller wrote:


On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
One problem with that method name: it overloads the term “key”. At the moment, 
property keys are either

strings or symbols. If a symbol can also have a key, I’d find that confusing.


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer



Bill Frantz| I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn 
up the
408-356-8506   | intelligence.  There's a knob called 
brightness, but | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why not private symbols?

2013-07-31 Thread Bill Frantz

On 7/31/13 at 8:35 AM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

uuidgen implementations have used MAC addresses in the past, which I believe 
led to a public collision.

In 1998 we (Electric Communities) discovered that people using 
AOL software to access the internet were all assigned the same 
MAC address. Using timing of UI events is much better.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Concurrency is hard. 12 out  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | 10 programmers get it wrong. | 16345 
Englewood Ave |- Jeff Frantz | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array#sort() implementations not interoperable

2013-06-13 Thread Bill Frantz

On 6/13/13 at 12:24 PM, (Oliver Hunt) wrote:

I believe that the spec should mandate a stable sort, but i'm 
not sure just how far we can go in trying to standardize exact 
behavior of the sort without tying implementations to a single 
implementation for all time.

One possibility which will allow implementations to include a 
more performant sort is to specify two sorts:

  sort - which is stable
  unstablestort - which is either an alias for sort or is a 
faster unstable sort.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|Web security is like medicine - trying to 
do good for

408-356-8506   |an evolved body of kludges - Mark Miller |

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array#sort() implementations not interoperable

2013-06-13 Thread Bill Frantz

On 6/13/13 at 3:53 PM, (felix) wrote:

Always-unstable is trivial...

Not really. Doing it with a test case that has only one record 
is hard. It is also hard if the test case has all different 
records (according to the sort field(s).

BTW _ I think having only one sort which is stable is a good 
solution if performance of sort is not a burning concern.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Re: Computer reliability, performance, and security:
408-356-8506   | The guy who *is* wearing a parachute is 
*not* the | first to reach the ground.  - Terence Kelly

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Future cancellation

2013-05-02 Thread Bill Frantz

On 5/1/13 at 5:43 PM, (Bill Frantz) wrote:

On 5/1/13 at 1:37 PM, (Tab Atkins Jr.) wrote:

Ah, I'm not proposing that we augment the base Future class with
cancellation properties.  I explicitly used the term subtype in the
quoted bit above.  *Some* of Ron's suggestions were to augment the
base Future class, but not all of them, and several other people
pushed back on that.

I think that covers the issue.

Cheers - Bill

Upon further reflection, I think the point about premature 
standardization stands.

Also, a pure inheritance model -- which is implied by 
subclassing -- may be the wrong model. If one wants to include 
POLA in one's programming style, one will probably want to 
separate the authority to access the resulting value from the 
authority to abort the computation.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| gets() remains as a monument | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | to C's continuing support of | 16345 
Englewood Ave | buffer overruns. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Future cancellation

2013-05-01 Thread Bill Frantz

[General comments here, specifics inline.]

My experiences with promises is as an E programmer. When they 
are used pervasively in an application the graph can get as 
messy as the reference graph of an object oriented program. For 
languages with objects and references, garbage collection became 
the generally accepted way of cleaning up the mess (c.f. C++). 
For promises, breaking the promise allows the graph to be 
cleaned up.

On 4/30/13 at 11:04 PM, (Tab Atkins Jr.) wrote:

Every future is cancellable already.  If you hand out your resolver,
anyone with it can preempt you and (prematurely?) fulfill the promise,
before your intended code-path finishes.  There are only two small
differences between normal promises and ones that are explicitly

This comment seems to be the essence of the issue. You can hold 
the resolver at the edge of a abortable computation. When you 
decide to abort the computation, perhaps because one or more 
consumers have indicated they are no longer interested in the 
results, you can use the resolver to resolve the promise as 
broken. That broken promise will filter up through all 
computations which depend on it's value, allowing them to 
proceed knowing that the value will not be produced.

1. Some promises are holding onto resources (locks, network
connections, cpu time) which will be disposed of when they're

I think this statement is wrong. Promises don't hold resources. 
They are a placeholder for a value to be provided later. Perhaps 
the computation which may provide the value at some future time 
holds a resource, or the computation which will consume the 
value when it is resolved holds a resource (generally a poor 
programming practice), but the promise itself doesn't hold resources.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Concurrency is hard. 12 out  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | 10 programmers get it wrong. | 16345 
Englewood Ave |- Jeff Frantz | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Future cancellation

2013-05-01 Thread Bill Frantz

On 5/1/13 at 11:13 AM, (Tab Atkins Jr.) wrote:

I think you're making this far too complicated.  It's much simpler than this:

1. XHR is a very reasonable API to Future-ize.
2. XHRs are cancellable.
3. Ergo, we should have a cancellable Future subtype.

Why make it more complex than necessary. While a XHR 
implementation may wish to add a cancel operation, JS is a 
broader language than just the web. There are use cases that 
don't need cancel and they should not have to pay the costs of 
the additional communication paths that cancel will require.

With a simple promise, others can build objects which use the 
promise as an internal component and provide cancel or other 
useful operations. Leaving the implementations of these other 
operations to libraries will allow experimentation to proceed standardization.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Since the IBM Selectric, keyboards have gotten
408-356-8506   | steadily worse. Now we have touchscreen keyboards. | Can we make something even worse?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Future cancellation

2013-05-01 Thread Bill Frantz
On 5/1/13 at 1:37 PM, (Tab Atkins Jr.) wrote:

 Ah, I'm not proposing that we augment the base Future class with
 cancellation properties.  I explicitly used the term subtype in the
 quoted bit above.  *Some* of Ron's suggestions were to augment the
 base Future class, but not all of them, and several other people
 pushed back on that.

I think that covers the issue.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Re: Computer reliability, performance, and security:
408-356-8506   | The guy who *is* wearing a parachute is *not* the | first to reach the ground.  - Terence Kelly

es-discuss mailing list

Promises in E (was Re: A Challenge Problem for Promise Designers)

2013-04-26 Thread Bill Frantz

Let me take a crack at describing E's support for promises.

E has two modes for sending a message to an object. There is the 
immediate send and the eventual send. If the Object is an 
unresolved promise the immediate send will trap. (A promise can 
be forced to resolve using the when construct.)

If the program uses eventual sends, then unresolved promises act 
like any other value. This allows operations such as:

Object A on machine 1
Object B on machine 2

A sends to B getting back object C also hosted on machine 2
A sends to C getting back a final result.

The way this is implemented is that when A sends to B, a promise 
for the result C is constructed. When A sends to C, that promise 
is used for the send and a promise for the final result is 
constructed. The message to C is sent without waiting for the 
response from the message to B, eliminating one round trip 
communication delay.

If A needs to use the final result in an immediate operation, it 
will wait for the final result promise to be resolved using the 
when construct.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| I like the farmers' market   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | because I can get fruits and | 16345 
Englewood Ave | vegetables without stickers. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Promises in E (was Re: A Challenge Problem for Promise Designers)

2013-04-26 Thread Bill Frantz
Thanks for making these issues clearer to me Mark. I am 
beginning to get some idea of the problems that JS promises face 
given that they must have an object-like appearance.

I like the fact that in E, promises just work and I think of 
Joule as a language where every value is a promise and 
computation will take place when the data is ready.

Cheers - Bill

On 4/26/13 at 9:43 AM, (Mark S. Miller) wrote:

Hi Bill,

I think I know what you mean by these terms, and what I think you mean is
correct ;). But given the history of promises and futures, you make two
unfortunate and confusing terminology choices: forced and wait.
Instead, E promises, like all JS promises, are inherently non-blocking. The
when (aka then) doesn't force or wait or block, it registers the
callback[s] to be called in a later turn of the event loop sometime after
the promise they are registered on is fulfilled or broken (aka fulfilled
or rejected). The when immediately returns a promise for what the
invoked callback will return. In all these ways, E promises are like modern
JS promises.

None of this however addresses the prior question about E promises. E
promises were inspired by Joule Channels and Xanadu promises, both of which
were at least as influenced by Concurrent Prolog logic variables as they
were by previous promise/future systems[1]. As with logic variables, once
an E promise is fulfilled with a value, it is that value, i.e., it is not
observably different from that value. The E equality tests will judge it to
be identical to its fulfillment. In Actor or Smalltalk terms, one could say
it becomes that value. This was viable in E for reasons not available in
JS, and so a JS promise fulfilled with a value remains distinct from the
value itself. The formalism that originally inspired modern JS promises is
thus the logic variables of concurrent logic programming; so the similarity
of the resulting abstractions in some ways to monads surprised me.

The reason this works in E is indeed touched on by your email -- an
unresolved (aka pending) E promise is a kind of reference, not a kind of
object, and so does not have its own methods. Using . on a pending E
promise is an error. Using - (aka !) on an E promise invokes the
object it is a promise for, rather than invoking the promise itself[2].
when is something one does to a promise, not something one asks a promise
to do. It is the extreme form of the featurelessness that Kevin raises.

[1] See Chapter 23 of
From Objects to Actors and Back Again

[2] Not quite true. There are three eventual messages that are a visible
part of the promise infrastructure: __whenMoreResolved, __whenBroken, and
__reactToLostClient. The first two are understood by the promises. The last
is emitted by promises on partition. But none of these are part of the
normal use experience -- hence the two initial underbars in their names. JS
promises achieve the needs these serve by other means.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Bill Frantz wrote:

Let me take a crack at describing E's support for promises.

E has two modes for sending a message to an object. There is the immediate
send and the eventual send. If the Object is an unresolved promise the
immediate send will trap. (A promise can be forced to resolve using the
when construct.)

If the program uses eventual sends, then unresolved promises act like any
other value. This allows operations such as:

Object A on machine 1
Object B on machine 2

A sends to B getting back object C also hosted on machine 2
A sends to C getting back a final result.

The way this is implemented is that when A sends to B, a promise for the
result C is constructed. When A sends to C, that promise is used for the
send and a promise for the final result is constructed. The message to C is
sent without waiting for the response from the message to B, eliminating
one round trip communication delay.

If A needs to use the final result in an immediate operation, it will wait
for the final result promise to be resolved using the when construct.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| I like the farmers' market   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | because I can get fruits and | 16345 Englewood Ave | vegetables without stickers. | Los Gatos, CA 95032

Bill Frantz| I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn 
up the
408-356-8506   | intelligence.  There's a knob called 
brightness, but | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Weak event listener

2013-04-02 Thread Bill Frantz

On 4/1/13 at 5:40 AM, (Sam Tobin-Hochstadt) wrote:

Using `.dispose()` is manual management of the allocation and
deallocation of object. Manual memory management is fundamentally
non-modular -- you can't encapsulate it in a library, and it requires
describing memory management behavior in all your function
specifications, the way that C libraries do.  It's certainly possible
to write large, complex apps in C.  But that's not evidence that we
should bring those practices to JS.

There are a bunch of different reasons for wanting to dispose 
an object in memory. With the malloc/free system from C, you 
usually dispose objects to recover their backing memory for 
future use. The C version is not memory safe.

If you are paying for the memory, you may be willing to break 
things to be able to stop paying. There may be some other 
reasons for causing an object to stop working and as a side 
effect recover most of its memory. A proxy can provide this 
service for JS, along with a number of other techniques all of 
which will be memory safe.

For short-lived programs, you can ignore memory disposal if the 
system running them will free the memory when they exit. This 
technique is memory safe and even works with mismanagement of 
references in a garbage collected systems. Having a system which 
supports just exiting and recovering memory is valuable for 
ad-hoc programming environments. It might also be valuable for 
ads running in long-lived web pages. Possibly some of the safe 
JS execution environments provide this service for the programs 
they mediate.

Memory safety is one really good reason to choose JS over C.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| The only thing we have to   | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | fear is fear itself. - FDR  | 16345 
Englewood Ave | Inaugural address, 3/4/1933  | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: a future caller alternative ?

2013-03-09 Thread Bill Frantz
It should be pointed out that KeyKOS resume keys could, like 
proper tail-call optimization, eliminate the ability to walk 
the stack to determine the caller. In KeyKOS, the process had 
direct control over usage of the resume key. It could pass it to 
an object is was calling in place or creating a resume key to 
itself with a normal call. This loss of ability to walk the 
stack is much like tail-call optimization of:

  function a(args) {
... some calculation
return b(otherargs);

Where the optimization passes the address of a's caller as the 
return address for b and b can't see a's activation record on 
the stack.

Cheers - Bill

On 3/9/13 at 6:57 PM, (Mark S. Miller) wrote:

Another way to view the phrase debugging API is properly stratified
privileged reflection API. Indeed, the famous Mirrors paper used JPDA as
an example of a properly stratified reflection system. The key thing about
debugging APIs is they get the privilege separation right -- because they
must. A well designed mirror system or mirror-like system could as well. I
have discussed this repeatedly with the co-authors of that paper -- Dave
Ungar and Gilad Bracha (cc'ed) -- and IIRC they enthusiastically agree. The
KeyKOS operating system had an operation for rights-amplifying a start
key or resume key to a domain key. In our terms, a start key is like a
closure reference and a domain key is like a reference to the reified
lexical environment captured by that closure, i.e., a mirror on the state
of that closure. A resume key is like a continuation, so reflecting on
resume keys -- if you have the privileges needed to do so -- enables one to
effectively walk back the stack of outstanding IPC requests. The logic by
which KeyKOS (and its descendants EROS, CapROS, GuardOS, Coyotos) managed
the right-to-reflect could be a good starting point for doing likewise with
language-based mirrors.

Bill Frantz| Concurrency is hard. 12 out  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | 10 programmers get it wrong. | 16345 
Englewood Ave |- Jeff Frantz | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: What is the status of Weak References?

2013-03-02 Thread Bill Frantz

On 3/2/13 at 3:47 AM, (David Bruant) wrote:

I won't say it's absolutely better than WeakRefs and it may 
not apply to the data binding case (?), but it's an interesting 
pattern to keep in mind.

Speaking from ignorance here.

One advantage of the resubscribe for every event pattern is 
that if the events are generated in one process -- an animation 
process is the example used here -- and a message is sent to the 
observer in another process, and the observer is slow, the 
natural outcome will be to drop frames instead of queue up a lot 
of messages pertaining to events that no longer need to be processed.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| When it comes to the world | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | around us, is there any choice | 16345 
Englewood Ave | but to explore? - Lisa Randall | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: excluding features from sloppy mode

2012-12-28 Thread Bill Frantz

On 12/27/12 at 11:36 PM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

To find the governing use strict; in a large program or (real 
bugs bit ES5 here) concatenation is not easy.

I would want syntax coloring here. Perhaps a light blue 
background for strict mode and a light pink one for sloppy. Then 
the letters could continue to be colored as the editor/IDE 
wishes. YMMV.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| If the site is supported by  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | ads, you are the product.| 16345 
Englewood Ave |  | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: (Map|Set|WeakMap)#set() returns `this` ?

2012-12-05 Thread Bill Frantz
On 12/5/12 at 1:50 AM, (Jussi 
Kalliokoski) wrote:

I personally think returning `this` in absence of any meaningful value (and
chaining in general) is a bad pattern.


I have to agree with Jussi here. Whenever I consider chaining 
using the returned values from the various things called, my 
programming paranoia hair stands on end. Let me try to explain:

Whenever I program, I try to trust as little code as possible. 
With chaining, there are two possibilities for getting the wrong 
answer in the returned value:

  * I or someone else wrote it, but screwed up,
  * Someone hostile wrote it and is trying to trip me up.

If there is a language construct that allows chaining -- like 
the Pascal with construct -- then I am only trusting the 
language*, not other fragments of programs. If I depend on 
things I call returning the correct this, then I am depending 
on them and my dependency set is a lot larger. A larger 
dependency set makes me nervous.

Cheers - Bill

* For the really paranoid, minimizing the parts of the language 
depended on is important. Not all JS implementations behave the 
same way in the corner cases.


Bill Frantz|Security, like correctness, is| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  |not an add-on feature. - Attr-| 16345 
Englewood Ave |ibuted to Andrew Tanenbaum| Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: `free` operator

2012-10-27 Thread Bill Frantz
There are a few older systems which have had features that are a 
bit like those people are describing for the free operator. 
Let me describe two of them.

OS/360 and the PL/I language had the idea of subpools. Many 
small objects could be allocated in a subpool, and all freed 
with one call, a high performance way of freeing storage. 
Neither of these systems actually NULLed existing pointers, so 
it was easy to make programming errors.

The KeyKOS (aka Gnosis) [1,2] depended on explicit freeing of 
objects for storage reclamation. As an OS, object lifetimes 
ranged from milliseconds to years. The reason of having an 
explicit free was to allow an accounting entity paying for 
storage to stop paying, regardless of whether others were using 
that storage. When the free call returned, all references to 
the storage were changed to null.

The experience in KeyKOS was that after an object had been 
shared for a few months, the effects of freeing it could not be 
predicted easily. This made it hard to decide to free an object. 
A combination of garbage collection and explicit free might have 
worked well, but was never implemented.

The naive program, using a freed object would crash. These 
crashes can be caught by a keeper object which can clean up 
and report failure to callers.


Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn 
up the
408-356-8506   | intelligence.  There's a knob called 
brightness, but | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher

es-discuss mailing list

Re: repeated parameter names and default values

2012-09-27 Thread Bill Frantz

On 9/27/12 at 9:41, (Allen Wirfs-Brock) wrote:

A big part of of my job is specifying what stupid code does.

This job is a vital job if you want a completely specified 
language. (BTW - I know of no completely specified languages, or 
other computer system components for that matter, but the closer 
the specification comes to being complete, the better). 
Congratulations to Allen on the job he is doing for Javascript.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Truth and love must prevail  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | over lies and hate.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |   - Vaclav Havel | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: global object in strict mode

2012-08-25 Thread Bill Frantz

On 8/24/12 at 10:46, (Kris Kowal) wrote:

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

I'm not sure what the problem is -- I read the old thread, and noticed the
var global = Function(return this)();
This is good for any code mode, strict or non-strict. Does CSP ban Function
as well as eval?

CSP does forbid the Function constructor, by the edict “Code will not
be created from strings”. Section 4.2 “If unsafe-eval is not allowed…”

Of course you can't do this. One can always write an interpreter 
in Javascript and interpret any string as code.

What you can do is keep interpretation from using forbidden 
features by preventing them from being used by the interpreter, 
and therefore any language it is interpreting. You can not 
easily prevent such features from being used by strings being eval-ed.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| If the site is supported by  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | ads, you are the product.| 16345 
Englewood Ave |  | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: arrows and a proposed softCall

2012-05-31 Thread Bill Frantz

On 5/31/12 at 2:27, (Andreas Rossberg) wrote:

A function is free to _document_ it as part of its
contract, though.

Contracts are much more useful if they are enforced by the 
system, the language and runtime in this case.

Cheers - BIll

Bill Frantz|Security, like correctness, is| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  |not an add-on feature. - Attr-| 16345 
Englewood Ave |ibuted to Andrew Tanenbaum| Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Digraphs *and* Unicode pretty-glyphs, for arrows, triangle, etc.

2012-04-05 Thread Bill Frantz
On 4/4/12 at 23:54, (Norbert 
Lindenberg) wrote:

Besides typing, legibility is critical: ⇒, ≥, ≤ are 
clearly improvements over their ASCII counterparts, but ≠ and 
≢ are too hard to tell apart.

One thing that concerns me with using the extended Unicode set 
is that I will need to shift to a larger font size to make out 
the extended characters. I don't know whether that will result 
in more or less of the program text in a fixed size window, but 
if it is less, then having those characters in the source will 
not improve program readability.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|After all, if the conventional wisdom was 
working, the
408-356-8506   | rate of systems being compromised would be 
going down, | wouldn't it? -- Marcus Ranum

es-discuss mailing list

Re: New full Unicode for ES6 idea

2012-02-19 Thread Bill Frantz

On 2/19/12 at 21:45, (Allen Wirfs-Brock) wrote:

I really don't think any Unicode semantics should be build into 
the basic string representation.  We need to decide on a max 
element size and Unicode motivates 21 bits, but it could be 
32-bits.  Personally, I've lived through enough address space 
exhaustion episodes in my career be skeptical of small values 
like 2^21 being good enough for the long term.

Can we future-proof any limit an implementation may chose by 
saying that all characters whose code point is too large for a 
particular implementation must be replaced by an invalid 
character code point (which fits into the implementation's 
representation size) on input? An implementation which chooses 
21 bits as the size will become obsolete when Unicode characters 
that need 22 bits are defined. However it will still work with 
characters that fit in 21 bits, and will do something rational 
with ones that do not. Users who need characters in the over 21 
bit set will be encouraged to upgrade.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| If the site is supported by  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | ads, you are the product.| 16345 
Englewood Ave |  | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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Re: Native Assertion module?

2012-02-13 Thread Bill Frantz

On 2/13/12 at 16:03, (Rick Waldron) wrote:

Forget Date, typeof null, etc. JavaScript's biggest problem is devs that don't 
test their code.

IMHO, things started going to the dogs in the mid-1970s when IBM 
decided to manage bugs instead of fixing them. It't been 
downhill ever since. :-)

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|After all, if the conventional wisdom was 
working, the
408-356-8506   | rate of systems being compromised would be 
going down, | wouldn't it? -- Marcus Ranum

es-discuss mailing list

Lecture on Dart at Stanford

2011-10-31 Thread Bill Frantz

On 10/29/11 at 14:59, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

Dart is not perfect either but it hangs together slightly 
better. It's not to my taste, and I don't see it replacing JS 
by acclamation, but again: can we improve ES6 classes by 
reflecting on what's good in it?

There will be a lecture on Dart this coming Wednesday at 
Stanford. Here is the announcement:

   Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
  4:15PM, Wednesday, Nov 2, 2011
Skilling Auditorium, Stanford Campus[1]

Topic:A Walk on the Dart Side: A Quick Tour of Dart

Speaker:  Gilad Bracha
  Google USA

About the talk:

Dart is a pure object-oriented, dynamically typed language with
actor based concurrency. We'll take a quick tour of the Dart
programming language, focusing on its more unusual features, such
as optional typing and built-in factory support.


There is no downloadable version of the slides for this talk
available at this time.

About the speaker:

Gilad Bracha is the creator of the Newspeak programming language
and a software engineer at Google. Previously, he was a VP at SAP
Labs, a Distinguished Engineer at Cadence, and a Computational
Theologist and Distinguished Engineer at Sun. He is co-author of
the Java Language Specification, and a researcher in the area of
object-oriented programming languages. Prior to joining Sun, he
worked on Strongtalk, the Animorphic Smalltalk System. He
received his B.Sc in Mathematics and Computer Science from Ben
Gurion University in Israel and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from
the University of Utah.

Contact information:

Gilad Bracha

Embedded Links:
[ 1 ]


See the Colloquium website,, for scheduled
speakers, FAQ, and additional information.  Stanford and SCPD students
can enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit.  Anyone is welcome 
to attend;
talks are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over 
the web.


The Colloquium meets in Skilling Auditorium on the Stanford Campus.
A map to help you find Skilling Auditorium and parking
can be found at  Parking
in most lots is free and unrestricted after 4PM.


This announcement is sent to multiple mailing lists. If you are signed
up on our private EE380 list you can remove yourself using the widget
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Bill Frantz| Privacy is dead, get over| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | it.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Scott McNealy | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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General language standards guidence

2011-10-02 Thread Bill Frantz

On 9/30/11 at 11:01, (Bob Nystrom) wrote:

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

It's future-proof. Rather do less and get it right than over-reach and
regret the stuff that we got wrong.

Ah, that makes sense.

From C.A.R.Hoare's 1980 ACM Turing Award Lecture:

When any new language design project is nearing completion, 
there is always a mad rush to get new features added before 
standardization. The rush is mad indeed, because it leads into a 
trap from which there is no escape. A feature which is omitted 
can always be added later, when its design and its implications 
are well understood. A feature which is included before it is 
fully understood can never be removed later.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| OAuth -  It's the best that  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | the wrong way of doing things| 16345 
Englewood Ave | can provide. - Mike Stay | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: IDE support?

2011-09-13 Thread Bill Frantz
I am always amused by the continuing demands for more 
performance. The only real advantage of performance as a major 
metric is that it is relatively easy to measure.

If performance is your number one goal, then the only languages 
you should consider are assembler and machine language. :-)

On the other hand, if you like safety, security, 
maintainability, understandability etc., then recognize that 
these features have associated costs.

On 9/13/11 at 7:48, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:33 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

* A big problem is predictability, it is a black art to get the best
performance out of contemporary JS VMs.

This is the big one in my book. Optimization faults happen. But can we iterate 
till flat?

A set of rules a developer interested in performance can use 
would be helpful. Particularly if they applied to more than one 
implementation. :-)

* The massive complexity that comes with implementing all this affects

This one I'm less sympathetic to, since we won't get rid of 
untyped JS up front. A sunk cost fallacy? If we could make a 
clean break (ahem), sure. Otherwise this cost must be paid.

We could get better stability with simpler, less performant VMs. 
Some users might prefer the increased stability and security 
such a VM would offer.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Privacy is dead, get over| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | it.  | 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Scott McNealy | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: __doc__ for functions, classes, objects etc.

2011-08-23 Thread Bill Frantz

On 8/23/11 at 9:54, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

2. Before function, a la javadoc comments, or first thing in body, a la the 
prologue directive idea?

I have found it difficult to read a Java program from top to 
bottom because the javadoc comments proceed the function/method 
header. I want to see what the compiler reads first and then 
read the human commentary about what it means. With the way Java 
is set up, I have to jump around in the source instead of 
reading from top to bottom.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| Snow shuts down federal  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | government, life goes on.| 16345 
Englewood Ave |  - Associated press 2/9/2010 | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Array generation

2011-07-11 Thread Bill Frantz

On 7/11/11 at 15:09, (liorean) wrote:

On 10 July 2011 22:23, David Herman wrote:

Another common and useful fusion of two traversals that's in many Schemes is 
map-filter or


   a.filterMap(f) ~~~ [res for [i,x] of items(a) let (res = f(x, i)) if (res 
!== void 0)]

I rather arbitrarily chose to accept both null and undefined here as way to say no 
element -- a

reasonable alternative would be to accept *only* undefined as no element.

The way I think of it is that in analogy to NaN being the Numbers that
represent no number, null is the Object that represents no object, in
other words a reasonable value to store to tell just that. The
undefined value is by analogy the value that represents no value, so
is the only value that should be a no element.

The way I think of it is that NaN can be produced if an 
algorithm blows up numerically. If that happens, and the 
result gets stored in the array, I don't want to confuse those 
values with the placeholder for purposely omitted value value.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|Web security is like medicine - trying to 
do good for

408-356-8506   |an evolved body of kludges - Mark Miller |

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Summary: prototypes as classes

2011-06-29 Thread Bill Frantz

On 6/30/11 at 17:46, (Irakli Gozalishvili) wrote:

I think that whole constructors as classes business in JS is 
confusing for everyone coming to JS, and they only understand 
it after understanding confusing constructor- prototype relationship.

I don't know about others, but I need to have a mental model of 
what is going on in order to feel comfortable using a 
language/API/library. I didn't really feel comfortable with the 
ADD instruction until I understood how addition was implemented 
at the circuit level. I didn't feel comfortable with C++ classes 
until I understood the basic layout of an instance. I think is a 
matter of believing I can avoid stepping on any landmines that 
may be lying about.

I have a prejudice that the model should match the reality, but 
I accept that an optimizer may do something completely different 
if it still implements the model.

Simple is nice, but accurate is more important.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| The first thing you need when  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | using a perimeter defense is a | 16345 
Englewood Ave | perimeter. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Feedback and criticism wanted: DOMCrypt API proposal

2011-06-09 Thread Bill Frantz
[Sorry for the delay. I'm at Reed Collage and the internet 
service I've glommed onto doesn't let me contact my SMTP server, 
so I can't send email, only receive it.]

On 6/6/11 at 13:00, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

On Jun 6, 2011, at 9:51 AM, David Dahl wrote:

On 6/6/11 at 11:00, (Bill Frantz) wrote:

On 6/1/11 at 16:01, (David Dahl) wrote:

The property is namespaced in order to provide future capabilities. The current 
design is

asynchronous and looks like this:

Is an asynchronous interface the best choice. I thought one of  the great 
reliability advantages

of Javascript was its single-thread, synchronous nature.

Browsers almost by default will frown on including any synchronous APIs. With 
Firefox, we just

don't want any additional main thread I/O happening.

To say more: JS is single-threaded, but that means you can lock 
up a main thread and starve UI. Browsers use multiple threads 
and processes these days, but the rule still applies. Scripts 
run to completion and must pass continuations manually by 
callback functions if they need to run after some indefinite 
delay, or even after a just-too-long computation or local i/o operation.

Thanks Brendan. That explanation answers my question and, 
assuming the continuations can't run at the same time as the 
main program, satisfies my implied objection.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| OAuth -  It's the best that  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | the wrong way of doing things| 16345 
Englewood Ave | can provide. - Mike Stay | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [whatwg] Cryptographically strong random numbers

2011-02-22 Thread Bill Frantz

On 2/22/11 at 1:36 PM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

However, Math.random is a source of bugs as Amit Klein has 
shown, and these can't all be fixed by using a better non-CS 
PRNG underneath Math.random and still decimating to an IEEE 
double in [0, 1]. The use-cases Klein explored need both a 
CS-PRNG and more bits, IIRC. Security experts should correct 
amateur-me if I'm mistaken.

I'll see if the security expert hat fits. :-)

The random() function in many languages has a useful property 
which is incompatible with security. By setting its seed, you 
can get deterministic execution of a Monte Carlo algorithm. 
IANAJSE, but I didn't see a way to set the seed of 
Math.random(), so the ECMAScript/Javascript version lacks this 
useful property. But, having both a repeatable random function 
and a secure random function in a language is certainly reasonable.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|The nice thing about standards| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  |is there are so many to choose| 16345 
Englewood Ave |from.   - Andrew Tannenbaum   | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [whatwg] Cryptographically strong random numbers

2011-02-22 Thread Bill Frantz

On 2/22/11 at 3:39 PM, (Brendan Eich) wrote:

The API issue as Erik put it is this: do we need an array of 
bytes/shorts/ints, potentially a lot of random values; or would 
the fractional bits of a single IEEE 64-bit double precision 
result be good enough.

When doing crypto, mostly what you want is bit banging. For 
example, if you are implementing theRC4/ARC4 key schedule (From: you are coding:

for i from 0 to 255
S[i] := i
j := 0
for i from 0 to 255
j := (j + S[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256
swap values of S[i] and S[j]

The AES process is similar (from:

High-level description of the algorithm
1.  KeyExpansion—round keys are derived from the cipher key
using Rijndael's key schedule
2.  Initial Round
1.  AddRoundKey—each byte of the state is combined with
the round key using bitwise xor
3.  Rounds
1.  SubBytes—a non-linear substitution step where 
each byte

is replaced with another according to a lookup table.
2.  ShiftRows—a transposition step where each row of 
the state

is shifted cyclically a certain number of steps.
3.  MixColumns—a mixing operation which operates on 
the columns

of the state, combining the four bytes in each column.
4.  AddRoundKey
4.  Final Round (no MixColumns)
1.  SubBytes
2.  ShiftRows
3.  AddRoundKey

I always think of these operations as shifting and masking, but 
I'm really an Assembler/OS guy who likes being close to the 
hardware. :-)

Other uses will be packaging it into network messages, as in 
SSL/TLS key generation.

Are there other, non-crypto uses for secure random numbers?

The question for the Javascript experts is, what form will make 
implementing this kind of code easiest?

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| The first thing you need when  | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | using a perimeter defense is a | 16345 
Englewood Ave | perimeter. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [whatwg] Cryptographically strong random numbers

2011-02-14 Thread Bill Frantz

On 2/14/11 at 2:46 PM, (Shabsi Walfish) wrote:

This depends on what you consider to be the basic use case. Generating
long-lived cryptographic keys absolutely requires high quality entropy... if
you are only generating short-lived authenticators (that are not used for
encryption) then you could get away with weaker entropy. You will get the
most mileage out of this feature if it can be used to generate encryption
keys, or long-lived signing keys.

[Greetings to old friends and new. And I hope I've properly 
subscribed to all the right lists...]

I have a big problem with concepts such as using up entropy, 
and high quality entropy is needed. I belong to the school 
that says, If I have 160 unguessable bits and can keep them 
secret, I can stretch them and remain secure for ever. Now 
there are some issues with this statement:

  * I don't really trust my stretching algorithms, based on
secure hashes, to not leak some tiny fraction of the
unguessable bits.

  * Keeping any secret is difficult.

  * Getting unguessable bits is a hard problem.

  * 160 may be too small.

Because of these issues, modern secure random number generators 
add batches of new unguessable bits from time to time.

This line of thinking leads me to say that /dev/urandom, and its 
Windows cousin, is good enough for any practical use. Ensuring 
that the seed for /dev/urandom is indeed unguessable is a 
problem for the OS, not the language run-time.

For ECMAscript/Javascript or whatever this group calls the 
language, I suggest:

  (1) Build a routine that returns /dev/urandom data to the
  caller. Implement this routine fairly quickly.

  (2) At a more leisurely pace, build a crypto API and implement
  it in the language. After the usability bugs are worked out of
  the API, standardize it. If more performance is needed, perhaps
  a platform dependent issue, build higher speed implementations
  of the standard.

[Historically, a number of crypto-based APIs have failed because 
developers could not figure out how to use them. Getting the 
usability right is probably the hardest part of designing the API.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|The nice thing about standards| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  |is there are so many to choose| 16345 
Englewood Ave |from.   - Andrew Tannenbaum   | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

es-discuss mailing list

Re: [whatwg] Cryptographically strong random numbers

2011-02-14 Thread Bill Frantz
[ removed from cc list because I'm not on 
it and MarkM suggested dropping it.]

On 2/14/11 at 4:20 PM, (Shabsi Walfish) wrote:

Hmm... if there is a guarantee that /dev/urandom was successfully seeded at
some point in the past, then I'm happy with it. Is there such a guarantee? I
don't see that documented anywhere, and I'm not sure how it would be
provided. Since /dev/urandom never blocks, I'm assuming it will return
something based mostly on weak entropy sources (like system time and/or or a
very small number of real bits of entropy) in the event that the system
hasn't really had a chance to seed the pool yet. I can live with not
reliably refreshing the pool, but its pretty scary if you think about what
happens when a user boots their phone up for the first time, etc. and there
is just no entropy there yet.

While I think this question is a bit outside the language area, 
as an OS person, it falls directly in my lap, so please indulge 
me while I pontificate.

Getting unguessable bits into a deterministic system like a 
computer is very platform dependent. Disk timing, variable 
because of air turbulence on the platters, has been a popular 
source. However now many systems have solid state disks. This 
dependency means we are at the mercy of the system builders.

I don't know that there are any guarantees. Consider the environments:


I think the worst case is servers. They live in a temperature 
controlled room, and the only I/O they have is a network 
connection and a disk farm. With some luck, the server operator 
will have a source of unguessable bits included on a crypto 
board or on one of the manufacture's support chips. Otherwise 
there's timings on the disk and network I/O. A number of the CPU 
chips have cycle counter which can provide high resolution 
timing for interrupts etc.

Pcs (lower case because I mean it generically) have a number of 
good sources involved with UI events, microphones etc. There is 
time between boot and first application launch to gather mouse 
movements, ambient sound etc.

Phones/tablets have a wonderful set of resources: radio noise, 
compass direction, GPS location tracking, microphone input, 
camera input, etc. They should be able to get enough unguessable 
bits within a few seconds, certainly by the time they've 
established network connectivity.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz| gets() remains as a monument | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506  | to C's continuing support of | 16345 
Englewood Ave | buffer overruns. | Los Gatos, 
CA 95032

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