Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-12 Thread J. S. Choi

> If generator composition isn't directly supported somehow, then I'd have to 
> say I personally find the function composition proposal more compelling on 
> its own, even in the absence of a pipeline operator.

That’s all right, Naveen; thank you for reading the explainer and/or spec 
anyway. You may find the smart pipelines—or pipelines in general—still useful 
for all its other use cases, including method extraction, method application, 
function application, and partial application.

And, importantly, the smart pipeline proposal does not preclude the future 
addition of a composition operator that can compose generators. It is just out 
of the current scope. I myself am trying to think of ways that smart pipelines 
might be eventually extended to support generator composition.

As for TheNavigateur’s proposal in specifics, though—I will say that I think 
its approach to even generators has disadvantages, though I need to think more 
about someone might best address them.

Perhaps most seriously, generators are not intended by the designers to be 
distinguishable from functions that return iterators (I think I can find a 
citation from Domenic Denicola for that), just like how async functions are not 
intended to be distinguishable from promise-returning functions (I’m almost 
certain can find a citation from Denicola for that).

But in addition, the problem of plural/iterator/functor/whatever-type 
composition is not as easy as simply as treating generators and async 
generators with special behavior. There are so many types of plural or 
container objects—not only generators and async generators, but also maybes, 
streams, observables, and the iterators themselves. TheNavigateur’s approach 
does not address these, despite their being reasonable similar cases.

And there are also many ways to compose them. TheNavigateur’s approach only 
addresses composition with mapping. But I would want a pipeline approach that 
addresses plural things to also be able to compose functions with flattened 
mapping, filtering, taking/dropping, partitioning, reduction, and so many other 
types of transformations.

There is an alternative proposal for function composition,,
 which tries another approach: having a well-known symbol Symbol.lift, which is 

But I’m not satisfied with that proposal either. I want to see if there is a 
different approach to try, one that may integrate with smart pipelines. 
Something like `generateRandomNumbers() |>> map f |>> filter g |>> take 5`…but 
I don’t yet know precisely how. But smart pipelines might be extendable to 
handle them.

Either way, it can be dealt with later. There are many other benefits, as 
hopefully you can see from the real-world code examples. But we’ll see, once 
the Babel plugins are written and TC39 takes a look. Thanks for reading the 
explainer and/or spec.

Warm re-gards,
J. S. Choi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-12 Thread Naveen Chawla
If generator composition isn't directly supported somehow, then I'd have to
say I personally find the function composition proposal more compelling on
its own, even in the absence of a pipeline operator.

On Mon, 12 Mar 2018 at 05:56 Tab Atkins Jr.  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. 
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 2:36 PM, Peter Jaszkowiak 
> wrote:
> >>> optionally preceded by `new` or `await`
> >>
> >> This seems very arbitrary and _not_ forwards-compatible.
> >
> > I agree with arbitrary, tho I think new/await ends up being
> > reasonable.  What part of it do you think isn't forwards-compatible?
> > Afaict, we can definitely add new bare-style forms in the future, as
> > attempts to use them today would be a syntax error.
> Actually, I'd like to elaborate here, as I think the inclusion of
> new/await is actually very important for understanding the motivations
> of bare style as JS has proposed, versus the "arbitrary topic-less
> expression that evaluates to a function" form that Dan's original has.
> Ultimately, bare style is just a syntax nicety.  Anything you can
> write in bare style (either one), you can write in topic style with a
> few more characters; it adds no additional power.  As such, we should
> think about it in terms of what it allows vs what it disallows, and
> how useful each category would be.
> In Dan's "arbitrary expression" form, you get:
> 1. easy pipelining of variables holding functions: `x |> foo |> bar`
> 2. easy pipelining of point-free expressions, or auto-curried
> functions: `x |> flip(foo)` or `xs |> filter(pred)`
> You do *not* get:
> 3. easy construction of new objects: `x |> new Foo` will call `Foo()`
> and then try to call the result with x, when you probably wanted it to
> call `new Foo(x)`; you need to instead write `x |> new Foo(#)`
> 4. easy awaiting of function results - `x |> await bar` will await the
> bar variable and then try to call the result with x, when you probably
> wanted it to call `await bar(x)`; you need to instead write `x |>
> await bar(#)` or `x |> bar |> await #`
> 5. easy method calls!!!: `x |>` pulls `bar` off of `foo`, then
> calls it with `x`, *without* `foo` being bound to `this`! You probably
> wanted it to call ``, so you instead you need to write `x |>
> JS's bare-form, on the other hand, gets you 1, 3, 4, and 5, and only
> misses out on 2; you need to write `xs |> filter(pred)(#)` or `xs |>
> filter(pred, #)` instead, depending on how the function is defined.  I
> think that cases 3/4/5 are dramatically more important and common than
> case 2.
> What's worse, in the "arbitrary expression" form, if you accidentally
> leave off the #, you get a *runtime* error (hopefully) when your
> expression is misinterpreted, and have to track down why something is
> acting weird. (And each of the three possible mistakes acts weird in a
> unique way - an object constructed without its argument, or a promise
> showing up unexpectedly, or `this` being `undefined` unexpectedly.)
> In JS's form, if you leave off the # you get a *syntax* error
> immediately, pointing you straight to where the problem is.
> So overall I think JS's bare-form is *very* well motivated and
> shouldn't be changed. ^_^
> ~TJ
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Tab Atkins Jr.  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 2:36 PM, Peter Jaszkowiak  wrote:
>>> optionally preceded by `new` or `await`
>> This seems very arbitrary and _not_ forwards-compatible.
> I agree with arbitrary, tho I think new/await ends up being
> reasonable.  What part of it do you think isn't forwards-compatible?
> Afaict, we can definitely add new bare-style forms in the future, as
> attempts to use them today would be a syntax error.

Actually, I'd like to elaborate here, as I think the inclusion of
new/await is actually very important for understanding the motivations
of bare style as JS has proposed, versus the "arbitrary topic-less
expression that evaluates to a function" form that Dan's original has.

Ultimately, bare style is just a syntax nicety.  Anything you can
write in bare style (either one), you can write in topic style with a
few more characters; it adds no additional power.  As such, we should
think about it in terms of what it allows vs what it disallows, and
how useful each category would be.

In Dan's "arbitrary expression" form, you get:
1. easy pipelining of variables holding functions: `x |> foo |> bar`
2. easy pipelining of point-free expressions, or auto-curried
functions: `x |> flip(foo)` or `xs |> filter(pred)`

You do *not* get:
3. easy construction of new objects: `x |> new Foo` will call `Foo()`
and then try to call the result with x, when you probably wanted it to
call `new Foo(x)`; you need to instead write `x |> new Foo(#)`
4. easy awaiting of function results - `x |> await bar` will await the
bar variable and then try to call the result with x, when you probably
wanted it to call `await bar(x)`; you need to instead write `x |>
await bar(#)` or `x |> bar |> await #`
5. easy method calls!!!: `x |>` pulls `bar` off of `foo`, then
calls it with `x`, *without* `foo` being bound to `this`! You probably
wanted it to call ``, so you instead you need to write `x |>`

JS's bare-form, on the other hand, gets you 1, 3, 4, and 5, and only
misses out on 2; you need to write `xs |> filter(pred)(#)` or `xs |>
filter(pred, #)` instead, depending on how the function is defined.  I
think that cases 3/4/5 are dramatically more important and common than
case 2.

What's worse, in the "arbitrary expression" form, if you accidentally
leave off the #, you get a *runtime* error (hopefully) when your
expression is misinterpreted, and have to track down why something is
acting weird. (And each of the three possible mistakes acts weird in a
unique way - an object constructed without its argument, or a promise
showing up unexpectedly, or `this` being `undefined` unexpectedly.)

In JS's form, if you leave off the # you get a *syntax* error
immediately, pointing you straight to where the problem is.

So overall I think JS's bare-form is *very* well motivated and
shouldn't be changed. ^_^

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread J. S. Choi
Thanks again for the reply, Peter. I’m a little confused by your latest 
questions, so I’ll try to clarify the questions at a time.

> > [me] To clarify: The way that bare style and topic style are distinguished 
> > are not by the absence/presence of a topic reference. Bare style has a 
> > simple and strict syntax: any identifiers, separated by `.`s, optionally 
> > preceded by `new` or `await`.
> [Peter] So `x['hello']`` would not be valid? Seems pretty inconsistent. I 
> think that checking for the lexical topic token would be simpler and easier 
> for developers.

`value |> x['hello'](#)` is a valid pipeline, in topic style. `value |> 
x['hello']` is an invalid pipeline, in order to prevent infinite unrestricted 
lookahead, therefore simplifying interpretation for both human readers and 
computer readers.

By “simplicity”, I’m referring to [several goals from the proposal 
explainer][goals]. Particularly relevant here is the goal of [syntactic 
locality][]. Copying and pasting from there: “The syntax should minimize the 
parsing lookahead that the compiler must check. If the grammar makes 
[garden-path syntax][] common, then this increases the dependency that pieces 
of code have on other code. This long lookahead in turn makes it more likely 
that the code will exhibit developer-unintended behavior.

“This is true particularly for distinguishing between different styles of 
pipeline body syntax. A pipeline’s meaning would often be ambiguous between 
these styles – at least without checking the pipeline’s body carefully to see 
in which style it is written. And the pipeline body may be a very long 

“By restricting the space of valid bare-style pipeline bodies (that is, without 
topic references), the rule minimizes garden-path syntax that would otherwise 
be possible – such as `value |> compose(f, g, h, i, j, k, #)`. Syntax becomes 
more locally readable. It becomes easier to reason about code without thinking 
about code elsewhere.”

In addition, changing the grammar to depend on containment of a token would 
make it impossible to parse with a context-free grammar or by introducing a new 
grammar-production parameter, which multiplies the number of productions in 
JavaScript’s grammar. The [pipeline syntax grammar][] alone would become 
considerably considerably more complicated – and this also applies to the 
grammars for every single other type of expression, all of which would have to 
be modified with an additional syntactic parameter.

At the very beginning, in fact, I actually considered making the grammar to 
depend on containment of a token – but then I realized many of the 
disadvantages above that it would bring.

The example `value |> x['hello']` seems simple. But the danger of requiring 
unrestrictedly infinite lookahead is that people will also write things like 
`value |> compose(x['hello'][symbol].propertyA.key(#).propertyB.propertyC, 
anotherFunction)`. It is easy for a human reader to miss the `#` in there, yet 
its presence or absence would completely change the pipeline’s semantics, from 
the value returned by `compose(…)` to a function call on that value. That’s the 
consequence of compromising syntactic locality. It means that a reader will 
have to check distant code in order to determine the style of a pipeline. 
[Avoiding footguns is a paramount goal][avoid footguns].

And `value |> x['hello'](#)` is still a valid pipeline.


[syntactic locality]:

[garden-path syntax]:

[pipeline syntax grammar]:

[avoid footguns]:


> > [me] Any pipeline body that does not fulfill that simple and strict syntax 
> > is in topic style. However, any pipeline body that is in topic style also 
> > must contain a topic reference, or else it is an early syntax error. x |> 
> > f() is in topic style; it is also an early syntax error, because it is a 
> > topic-style pipeline that does not use the topic reference.
> [Peter] This seems to not support auto-currying functions. For instance, 
> lodash/fp has auto-currying functions which take an iteratee as the first 
> argument:

My apologies – I’m a little confused by what your first sentence here means. By 
“this”, do you mean that smart pipelines do not support auto-currying 
functions, or do you mean that the bare style do not support them?

Auto-currying functions are indeed supported by smart pipelines, though not 
necessarily by bare style.

The purpose of bare style is merely to optimize a common use case – unary 
function calls. All other cases are intended to use topic style, which 
hopefully is still terse, yet explicit 

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 2:36 PM, Peter Jaszkowiak  wrote:
>> To clarify: The way that bare style and topic style are distinguished are
>> not by the absence/presence of a topic reference. Bare style has a simple
>> and strict syntax: any identifiers, separated by `.`s, optionally preceded
>> by `new` or `await`.
> So `x['hello']` would not be valid? Seems pretty inconsistent. I think that
> checking for the lexical topic token would be simpler and easier for
> developers.

I strongly disagree - I thing JS's approach is a large improvement
over the previous pipeline proposal, for two reasons.

1. As they already stated, it helps avoid accidental mis-types, like
`x |> f()` when you meant `x |> f` - you get an early syntax error
2. It *purposely prevents* point-free shenanigans, where you might
type `x |> f()` on purpose, *intending* f() to resolve to a function
that is then called with x.  Instead you have to write `x |> f()(#)`,
which has a much clearer intent, as it's written exactly how you'd
call it if you wrote it out without the pipeline.  More importantly,
imo, it makes point-free stuff like `flip` or the like pointless (uh,
no pun intended) - instead of doing abstract manipulations of the
argument lists, you can just call the function normally, with # put
where you want.

>> Any pipeline body that does not fulfill that simple and strict syntax is
>> in topic style. However, any pipeline body that is in topic style also must
>> contain a topic reference, or else it is an early syntax error. `x |> f()`
>> is in topic style; it is also an early syntax error, because it is a
>> topic-style pipeline that does not use the topic reference.
> This seems to not support auto-currying functions. For instance,
> **lodash/fp** has auto-currying functions which take an iteratee as the
> first argument:
> ```js
> // `lodash/fp/filter` is iteratee-first data-last:
> // (iteratee, collection)
> var compact = fp.filter(Boolean);
> compact(['a', null, 'c']);
> // ➜ ['a', 'c']
> ```
> So someone might want to do something like the following to utilize this
> behavior:
> ```js
> ['a', null, 'c'] |> fs.filter(Boolean)
> ```

This works just fine, you just need to explicitly call it like:

['a', null, 'c'] |> fs.filter(Boolean)(#)

>> optionally preceded by `new` or `await`
> This seems very arbitrary and _not_ forwards-compatible.

I agree with arbitrary, tho I think new/await ends up being
reasonable.  What part of it do you think isn't forwards-compatible?
Afaict, we can definitely add new bare-style forms in the future, as
attempts to use them today would be a syntax error.

> By only allowing identifiers, you're requiring people to create unnecessary
> intermittent variables. I propose that you allow any expression on the
> right-hand side of the pipe operator, and decide whether it's in topic style
> or bare style based on the inclusion of the lexical topic token. Your
> argument that making it very restrictive reduced cognitive burden doesn't
> make sense to me at all, as remembering what is and isn't allowed is more
> difficult than just remembering "if it doesn't have the token, it will call
> the function specified by the expression with the argument of the result of
> the previous step in the pipeline".

There is never a need to create intervening variables, you just need
to use topic style.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread Peter Jaszkowiak
> To clarify: The way that bare style and topic style are distinguished are
not by the absence/presence of a topic reference. Bare style has a simple
and strict syntax: any identifiers, separated by `.`s, optionally preceded
by `new` or `await`.

So `x['hello']` would not be valid? Seems pretty inconsistent. I think that
checking for the lexical topic token would be simpler and easier for

> Any pipeline body that does not fulfill that simple and strict syntax is
in topic style. However, any pipeline body that is in topic style also must
contain a topic reference, or else it is an early syntax error. `x |> f()`
is in topic style; it is also an early syntax error, because it is a
topic-style pipeline that does not use the topic reference.

This seems to not support auto-currying functions. For instance,
**lodash/fp** has auto-currying functions which take an iteratee as the
first argument:

// `lodash/fp/filter` is iteratee-first data-last:
// (iteratee, collection)
var compact = fp.filter(Boolean);
compact(['a', null, 'c']);
// ➜ ['a', 'c']

So someone might want to do something like the following to utilize this

['a', null, 'c'] |> fs.filter(Boolean)

> optionally preceded by `new` or `await`

This seems very arbitrary and _not_ forwards-compatible.

By only allowing identifiers, you're requiring people to create unnecessary
intermittent variables. I propose that you allow any expression on the
right-hand side of the pipe operator, and decide whether it's in topic
style or bare style based on the inclusion of the lexical topic token. Your
argument that making it very restrictive reduced cognitive burden doesn't
make sense to me at all, as remembering what is and isn't allowed is more
difficult than just remembering "if it doesn't have the token, it will call
the function specified by the expression with the argument of the result of
the previous step in the pipeline".

- Peter

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 3:08 PM, "J. S. Choi"  wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback, Peter and Naveen.
> ***
> @Peter:
> > It looks like this is different to the existing pipeline proposal in
> essentially only one way, in that it includes the # token (or lexical topic
> as you call it). I like that the proposal addresses await and other unary
> operators by default since it supports any expression on the right-hand
> side given a lexical topic is involved.
> To clarify: The way that bare style and topic style are distinguished are
> not by the absence/presence of a topic reference. Bare style has a simple
> and strict syntax: any identifiers, separated by `.`s, optionally preceded
> by `new` or `await`.
> Any pipeline body that does not fulfill that simple and strict syntax is
> in topic style. However, any pipeline body that is in topic style also must
> contain a topic reference, or else it is an early syntax error. `x |> f()`
> is in topic style; it is also an early syntax error, because it is a
> topic-style pipeline that does not use the topic reference.
> > One thing you may consider is automatic binding of unary operators
> similar to the automatic binding of unary functions / methods /
> constructors.
> I had considered that, but I decided against it. I want to keep the rules
> of bare style very simple and strict in order to minimize cognitive burden
> on the developer. Topic style is meant to also be terse: `x |> await # |>
> fn`, `await x |> fn`, `x |> typeof # |> fn`, or `typeof x |> fn`. There is
> also the forward-compatibility problem you mention.
> Thanks again for the feedback, Peter.
> ***
> @Naveen:
> > Can you explain how it solves the generator / async generator aspect of
> the proposal here: TheNavigateur/proposal-pipeline-operator-for-
> function-composition
> For background, the TheNavigateur proposal can rephrase this:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalf = value =>
>   half(square(double(value)));
> …as this:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalf =
>   double +> square +> half;
> The smart-pipeline proposal plus Additional Feature PF would express this
> as:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalf =
>   +> double |> square |> half;
> Likewise this:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync = async value =>
>   half(await squareAsync(double(value)));
> …may be this in the TheNavigateur proposal:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync =
>   double +> squareAsync +> half;
> …and this in the smart-pipeline proposal plus Feature PF:
> const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync =
>   async +> double |> await squareAsync |> half;
> ***
> Smart pipelines, including with Additional Feature PF, only address piping
> singular values through expressions, as well as method extraction, partial
> application, and composition on functions on singular values. They do not
> yet address piping plural values such as iterators and generators. This is
> because there are many ways to compose 

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread J. S. Choi
Thanks for the feedback, Peter and Naveen.



> It looks like this is different to the existing pipeline proposal in 
> essentially only one way, in that it includes the # token (or lexical topic 
> as you call it). I like that the proposal addresses await and other unary 
> operators by default since it supports any expression on the right-hand side 
> given a lexical topic is involved.

To clarify: The way that bare style and topic style are distinguished are not 
by the absence/presence of a topic reference. Bare style has a simple and 
strict syntax: any identifiers, separated by `.`s, optionally preceded by `new` 
or `await`.

Any pipeline body that does not fulfill that simple and strict syntax is in 
topic style. However, any pipeline body that is in topic style also must 
contain a topic reference, or else it is an early syntax error. `x |> f()` is 
in topic style; it is also an early syntax error, because it is a topic-style 
pipeline that does not use the topic reference.

> One thing you may consider is automatic binding of unary operators similar to 
> the automatic binding of unary functions / methods / constructors.

I had considered that, but I decided against it. I want to keep the rules of 
bare style very simple and strict in order to minimize cognitive burden on the 
developer. Topic style is meant to also be terse: `x |> await # |> fn`, `await 
x |> fn`, `x |> typeof # |> fn`, or `typeof x |> fn`. There is also the 
forward-compatibility problem you mention.

Thanks again for the feedback, Peter.



> Can you explain how it solves the generator / async generator aspect of the 
> proposal here: 
> TheNavigateur/proposal-pipeline-operator-for-function-composition

For background, the TheNavigateur proposal can rephrase this:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalf = value =>

…as this:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalf =
  double +> square +> half;

The smart-pipeline proposal plus Additional Feature PF would express this as:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalf =
  +> double |> square |> half;

Likewise this:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync = async value =>
  half(await squareAsync(double(value)));

…may be this in the TheNavigateur proposal:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync =
  double +> squareAsync +> half;

…and this in the smart-pipeline proposal plus Feature PF:

const doubleThenSquareThenHalfAsync =
  async +> double |> await squareAsync |> half;


Smart pipelines, including with Additional Feature PF, only address piping 
singular values through expressions, as well as method extraction, partial 
application, and composition on functions on singular values. They do not yet 
address piping plural values such as iterators and generators. This is because 
there are many ways to compose plural values—mapping, reducing, filtering, 
partitioning, and so forth. I do plan to try to address this in the futer with 
Clojure-style transducers. But currently, you would have to rely on 
higher-order helper functions from a library or written by yourself to combine 
plural values.


const randomBetween0And100Generator = () => * {
  for (randomBetween0And1Generator())
yield |> multiplyBy100;

…may be this in the TheNavigateur proposal:

const randomBetween0And100Generator =
  randomBetween0And1Generator +> multiplyBy100;

…and this in the smart-pipeline proposal plus Feature PF and Feature PP:

const randomBetween0And100Generator = () => * {
  for (randomBetween0And1Generator())
yield |> multiplyBy100;

…or this, using some map helper function,

const randomBetween0And100Generator = () =>
  |> map(+> multiplyBy100, #);

This is similar to how mapping arrays is not directly addressed by pipelines:

const arrayBetween0And100 =
.map(+> multiplyBy100, #);

There are many ways to compose plural values—mapping, reducing, filtering, 
partitioning, and so forth. It is currently out of scope for smart pipelines to 
address them; they are not even well standardized in JavaScript in general. I 
do plan to try to address uniformly composing plural-valued functions in the 
future with a Clojure-style transducer API – first as a library, then maybe as 
as a TC39 proposal if I can find an interested TC39 member. See 
 for examples of this idea. But, no, currently, you would have to rely on 
higher-order helper functions from a library or written by yourself to combine 
plural-valued functions.

For now, I’m focusing on the low-hanging fruit that smart pipelines could 
provide, before the next TC39 meeting. This includes a Babel plugin that I am 
creating in cooperation with James DiGioia, who is also working on a proposal 
for Proposal 1: F-sharp Style Only 

Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-10 Thread Naveen Chawla
Can you explain how it solves the generator / async generator aspect of the
proposal here:

I can't seem to find an example in the explainer.

Maybe you can formulate a way of doing it, then add it in the explainer.

On Sat, 10 Mar 2018 at 04:55 Peter Jaszkowiak  wrote:

> It looks like this is different to the existing pipeline proposal in
> essentially only one way, in that it includes the `#` token (or lexical
> topic as you call it). I like that the proposal addresses `await` and other
> unary operators by default since it supports any expression on the
> right-hand side given a lexical topic is involved.
> One thing you may consider is automatic binding of unary operators similar
> to the automatic binding of unary functions / methods / constructors. For
> instance, this would enable `x |> await |> fn` or `x |> typeof |> fn`.
> However, this may not be forwards-compatible. If someone had `x |> run |>
> fn` where `run` is a function name, and then `run` was introduced as an
> operator, you would have to define what takes precedence.
> Overall, great job. I like it more that the existing proposal, and I have
> high hopes.
> - Peter
> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:04 PM, J. S. Choi  wrote:
>> I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a *detailed explainer and
>> specification for Smart Pipelines* plus several possible extensions.
>>- Readme *explainer*
>>- Formal *spec* :
>> There is a simple “actual” *Core Proposal* at Stage 0 championed by
>> Daniel Ehrenberg, plus several optional *Additional Features* that
>> extend the Core Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will
>> present the Core Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at
>> London.
>> The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal
>>  also
>> championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in
>> the pipe-proposal wiki
>> .
>> The variant resulted from previous discussions in the previous
>> pipeline-operator proposal
>> ,
>> discussions which culminated in an invitation by Ehrenberg to try
>> writing a specification draft
>> .
>> A prototype Babel plugin is also being written.
>> I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and
>> mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the
>> potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases
>> (such as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve
>> attempted to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the
>> additional features.
>> If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification,
>> please feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker
>> . When you
>> file an issue, please note in it that you are talking specifically 
>> about“Proposal 4:
>> Smart Mix”
>> .
>> Or leave a comment here.
>> Warm regards, J. S. Choi
>> ___
>> es-discuss mailing list
> ___
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Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-09 Thread Peter Jaszkowiak
It looks like this is different to the existing pipeline proposal in
essentially only one way, in that it includes the `#` token (or lexical
topic as you call it). I like that the proposal addresses `await` and other
unary operators by default since it supports any expression on the
right-hand side given a lexical topic is involved.

One thing you may consider is automatic binding of unary operators similar
to the automatic binding of unary functions / methods / constructors. For
instance, this would enable `x |> await |> fn` or `x |> typeof |> fn`.
However, this may not be forwards-compatible. If someone had `x |> run |>
fn` where `run` is a function name, and then `run` was introduced as an
operator, you would have to define what takes precedence.

Overall, great job. I like it more that the existing proposal, and I have
high hopes.

- Peter

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 4:04 PM, J. S. Choi  wrote:

> I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a *detailed explainer and
> specification for Smart Pipelines* plus several possible extensions.
>- Readme *explainer*
>- Formal *spec* :
> There is a simple “actual” *Core Proposal* at Stage 0 championed by
> Daniel Ehrenberg, plus several optional *Additional Features* that extend
> the Core Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will present
> the Core Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at London.
> The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal
>  also
> championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in
> the pipe-proposal wiki
> .
> The variant resulted from previous discussions in the previous
> pipeline-operator proposal
> ,
> discussions which culminated in an invitation by Ehrenberg to try writing
> a specification draft
> .
> A prototype Babel plugin is also being written.
> I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and
> mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the
> potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases
> (such as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve
> attempted to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the
> additional features.
> If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification,
> please feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker
> . When you
> file an issue, please note in it that you are talking specifically 
> about“Proposal 4:
> Smart Mix”
> .
> Or leave a comment here.
> Warm regards, J. S. Choi
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-09 Thread J. S. Choi stripped much of the formatting from my original message. To give 
the links in plain text:

Readme explainer:

Formal spec:

Issue tracker (please specify Proposal 4 in new issues):✓=sort%3Aupdated-desc+

List of all current pipeline proposals:

Warm regards,
J. S. Choi

> On Mar 9, 2018, at 3:04 PM, J. S. Choi  wrote:
> I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a detailed explainer and 
> specification for Smart Pipelines plus several possible extensions.
> Readme explainer:
> Formal spec:
> There is a simple “actual” Core Proposal at Stage 0 championed by Daniel 
> Ehrenberg, plus several optional Additional Features that extend the Core 
> Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will present the Core 
> Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at London.
> The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal also 
> championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in 
> the pipe-proposal wiki. The variant resulted from previous discussions in the 
> previous pipeline-operator proposal, discussions which culminated in an 
> invitation by Ehrenberg to try writing a specification draft. A prototype 
> Babel plugin is also being written. 
> I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and 
> mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the 
> potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases 
> (such as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve 
> attempted to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the 
> additional features.
> If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification, 
> please feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker. When you file 
> an issue, please note in it that you are talking specifically about“Proposal 
> 4: Smart Mix”. Or leave a comment here. 
> Warm regards, J. S. Choi
es-discuss mailing list