Re: ES4 draft: Error classes

2008-03-09 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 3/9/08, Michael Daumling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I think that adding backtrace information is overkill for the spec. Collecting this information should be left to a debugging environment. What I would suggest is something along the following lines. It should be made clear that these

Re: ES4 draft: Namespace

2008-03-08 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 3/8/08, zwetan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: do I understand well that E4X will be removed from ES4 ??? It was never in ES4 to begin with. --lars this is so wrong i can not even believe it... try to parse XML in .NET/Java/PHP/whatever... the ONLY elegant and straightforward way to do it

Re: New Operator

2008-03-06 Thread Lars T Hansen
Tucker, I detect sarcasm in your reply, but maybe I'm just being paranoid now... R4RS Scheme: For integers n1 and n2 with n2 not equal to 0, (= n1 (+ (* n2 (quotient n1 n2)) (remainder n1 n2))) E262-3 (the % operator): In the remaining cases, where neither an infinity, nor a zero, nor NaN

Re: RI or written spec?

2008-03-06 Thread Lars T Hansen
The spec is normative. The RI is informative. (It will presumably have to commit to some things that the spec need not commit to, even if its something as relatively trivial as the precise workings of the random number generator.) --lars On 3/6/08, Michael O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is

Re: ES4 draft: Vector

2008-03-05 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 3/6/08, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What I have wanted in the past is a variable length vector whose length I can freeze at some point. Akin to sealing an object completely against mutation, after mutating it into good shape during its early lifetime. Sounds like an argument

Re: Greedy triple-quoted string literals

2008-02-18 Thread Lars T Hansen
The correct interpretation is that a triple quoted string starts with three quotes of the same kind and ends when the same three quotes are seen in sequence provided that the character following the three is not that same quote character. (Whether you want to call that greedy or not depends on

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-24 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 1/24/08, Nathan de Vries [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 20:04 +0100, Chris Pine wrote: It was agreed that implementations would always be free to implement PTC... Really? That wasn't the impression I got. My understanding is that if PTC isn't a requirement, it should not

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-22 Thread Lars T Hansen
One issue with requiring the explicit syntax is that the requirement isn't worth anything as a restriction. The compiler will have to figure out whether a phrase could be a tail call to find out if the ditto phrase using explicit syntax is a legal tail call. It is but a short step from that to

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-22 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 1/22/08, Steven Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 1/22/08 12:14 PM, Lars T Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: IMO, the best design is that (a) a call that is syntatically in tail position is executed as a tail call when that is possible, but as a non-tail call when type conversions

Re: Closures and let blocks

2008-01-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
On Jan 3, 2008 7:01 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jan 3, 2008, at 9:58 AM, Igor Bukanov wrote: On 03/01/2008, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: let function f() { }; I missed that if so -- did you see this in the wiki, a trac ticket, or another doc? I have not

Re: Global functions

2007-12-14 Thread Lars T Hansen
Also see --lars On Dec 14, 2007 7:42 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Dec 13, 2007, at 11:42 PM, Lars T Hansen wrote: I believe let function is broken in the RI (it has been in the past). I encouraged Michael to file a trac ticket

Re: Spec proposal

2007-12-13 Thread Lars T Hansen
decimal (meaning pretend all numbers are decimal) because we did not think it could be made to work reliably. The same argument would go for any other number type IMO.) --lars Michael Lars T Hansen wrote: On Dec 13, 2007 5:07 PM, Michael O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I understand

Re: Global functions

2007-12-13 Thread Lars T Hansen
I believe let function is broken in the RI (it has been in the past). --lars On Dec 14, 2007 4:41 AM, Michael O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: While this compiles in the RI, it still produces 2 and 2 for the output. ie. doesn't seem they are block scoped functions either. Michael John

Re: Function.prototype.toString spec

2007-12-02 Thread Lars T Hansen
Aware of it. This has been resolved in favor of making the spec say (effectively) FunctionDeclaration or FunctionExpression. --lars On 12/2/07, Peter Michaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ECMA-262 3rd == section == Function.prototype.toString returns a representation with syntax of

Re: Type combinations

2007-11-24 Thread Lars T Hansen
On Nov 24, 2007 3:37 PM, Peter Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any way to express an intersection type, analogous to a union type? None at present. I toyed with similar things for a while, being able to subtract types from unions and so on. I can see there may be fewer use cases that

Re: Bringing up the issue of numerical constraints again

2007-11-17 Thread Lars T Hansen
On Nov 17, 2007 11:11 AM, Yuh-Ruey Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is it not possible to emulate this already with classes? I think you can use the implicitly-called construct method, e.g. class myint { private var i: int; function myint(x: int) { this.i = int; } meta

Re: Assigning to ReadOnly properties

2007-11-12 Thread Lars T Hansen
On Nov 12, 2007 4:25 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Nov 12, 2007, at 4:01 PM, Mark Miller wrote: To fix delete within this constraint, delete whatever in Caja either return true or throws. At this point, either ES4 slides down the slippery slope a bit and courts migration

Re: ES3 quasi incompatibilities

2007-11-11 Thread Lars T Hansen
On Nov 11, 2007 6:01 PM, Garrett Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Function findDuplicate is more like mark duplicates. The side effect is that it adds a __marker property to each object. As it stands, this function can not be called more than once. The second call might be passed a different

Re: function types with void return type

2007-11-07 Thread Lars T Hansen
A bug, no doubt. I'll file it ( -- open to all comers). My expectation would be a compile-time error if a void function tries to return a value since it's syntactically detectable, but I don't remember it being discussed in the group. (Obtaining the return value from a

Re: Suggest adopting .NET/Perl regexp named capture syntax

2007-10-24 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 10/24/07, StevenLevithan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ECMAScript 4 regular expression extension proposals indicate that the Python syntax will be used for named capture. Python uses (?Pname...) for named capture, (?P=name) for a backreference within the regex, and \gname for a backreference

ES4 overview paper released

2007-10-22 Thread Lars T Hansen
I'm pleased to present you with an overview paper describing ES4 as the language currently stands. TG1 is no longer accepting proposals, we're working on the ES4 reference implementation, and we're expecting the standard to be finished in October 2008. The paper is available at

Re: instanceof Operator

2007-10-21 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 10/21/07, Jeff Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 10/21/07 10:03 AM, liorean wrote: On 21/10/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: var a; a= {}; a instanceof Object //true a= []; a instanceof Array //true a='asdf'; a instanceof String //false a= 7; a instanceof

Re: 'switch' operator improvement

2007-10-16 Thread Lars T Hansen
Neat, though it breaks backward compatibility -- each regexp is converted to string before the comparison, IIRC. (Compatibility may not be a big problem in practice in this case.) --lars On 10/16/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: allow RegEx in case var str= 'a'; switch( str

Re: String is open and dynamic!

2007-09-27 Thread Lars T Hansen
You can subclass String but not string, and the latter is not a subclass of the former, which is just a container class. So I might not open the Champagne quite yet, if I were you. --lars On 9/27/07, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I was just about to ask if I would be able to subclass

Re: Proposal: nullable wrapper class for primitive data types (int, Number, Boolean)

2007-09-22 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/22/07, David Teller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, 2007-09-21 at 17:08 +0200, Lars T Hansen wrote: The ES4 design docs on the wiki do not always explain the current state of the language; we're not updating them any more. (Tentatively the ES4 spec will be complete next year

Re: Regex: How should backreferences contained in the capturing match they reference to work?

2007-09-14 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/14/07, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am not looking to make trouble here, believe me, but I want to point out two things that could help David's case: 1. JS regexps were modeled by me (to lwall's horror ;-) on Perl regexen. Here's what perl (5.8.8) does: $ perl aaab =~

Re: lookup getter for host properties

2007-09-14 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/14/07, Hallvord R. M. Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, while working on Opera 9.5's support for getters and setters, we've discussed whether it should be possible to lookup a getter/setter for a native (host) property. For example, something like func =

Re: Regex: How should backreferences contained in the capturing match they reference to work?

2007-09-13 Thread Lars T Hansen
) a.push('aaab['+key+']: '+aaab[key]); a.join('\r\n'); On 03/09/07, Lars T Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From the spec it's pretty clear (to me anyhow) that SpiderMonkey and Opera are correct here (and the ES4 reference implementation, whose RegEx engine was modelled directly

Re: Regex: Named groups/backreferences

2007-09-13 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/13/07, liorean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello! Got some questions about named groups: Group names must be valid lexical identifiers, and each group name must be defined only once within a regular expression. 1. Is this meant to indicate that regex add their own lexical scopes; No.

Re: Regex: How should backreferences contained in the capturing match they reference to work?

2007-09-13 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/13/07, liorean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 13/09/2007, Lars T Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The current behavior is well-defined; it's not a hardship for anyone; the incompatibilities among the engines are probably not a big deal (thus the incompatible engines can be changed so

Re: __proto__

2007-09-11 Thread Lars T Hansen
there in the more hazardous writable form. I just wanted it be actually included in the spec. Or is there some new functionality in ES4 that will somehow interact with __proto__ to introduce a security threat? Kris - Original Message - From: Lars T Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Kris Zyp

Re: some errata in PDF

2007-09-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 8/26/07, Garrett Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The perfectly valid use case of trying to have a private constructor, will not, unfortunately be accommodated by ES4; Now filed as bug 166 in the Trac. --lars ___ Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about pattern

2007-09-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
I believe it is restricted to ArrayPattern. --lars On 8/23/07, Eric Suen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Pattern ::= ArrayPattern Pattern - SimplePattern - LeftHandSideExpression - ArrayLiteral Is it possible ArrayLiteral appear in Pattern, or it must be an ArrayPattern? Like

Re: 9.6.2 - 'this' or 'super' in a static method

2007-09-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 8/21/07, P T Withington [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The es3 code is: function A () ...; A.zot = function zot () { ... this ... } function B () ...; B.prototype = new A(); B.zot = A.zot; hence `this` is A in A.zot and B in B.zot. Right... I was thinking the equivalent es4 would be:

Re: forEach() trouble when an element is removed during execution

2007-09-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 6/18/07, Jason Orendorff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 6/18/07, Peter Michaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I don't think that fixing this edge case to make a very robust forEach would be a bad idea. I think having a very robust forEach (similar to the DOM2 iteration over handlers) would be

Re: Questions on number constraints and conversions

2007-09-03 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 6/5/07, liorean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello! After discussion in a thread on ECMAScript binding of the DOM I came to wonder a bit of what type of type contraints ES4 actually will be able to have: 2. Also, conversions between the types. Is is possible to have a type constraint of

Re: Status of Array extras in ECMA 4

2007-09-01 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 9/1/07, David Golightly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm curious as to the fate of the famous JavaScript 1.6 Array extras (indexOf, lastIndexOf, forEach, map, filter, every, some) in ECMAScript 4. As a JavaScript developer, I've come to greatly appreciate the functional-style flexibility these

Re: Syntax questions

2007-07-30 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 7/30/07, David Teller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'm currently exploring the code, as a preliminary to writing a static analysis tool. At the moment, I'm stuck in the lexer, where I have two questions. Firstly, embedded comments seem to be forbidden. That is, a block such as

Re: Independent Date and Time objects/ISO Dates

2007-07-30 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 5/23/07, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On May 16, 2007, at 10:37 AM, Lars T Hansen wrote: Ah. No, we've not talked about doing that, and you don't get to set a bit on the Date object that says the time does not matter. I suppose you could, but I don't (yet) know what

Re: week number for date/time proposal

2007-07-28 Thread Lars T Hansen
Thanks for the code. If it is true that ISO week numbers are different from US week numbers I'm not sure we want to touch this, it might be better for sites to implement their own as their needs dictate (based on audience etc). The wikipedia hints that there are even more systems in use (search

Re: Separating a Hash type from Object

2007-07-25 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 7/25/07, Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Lars T Hansen-2 wrote: On 7/25/07, Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I see this as two issues. 1) The need for Collections/Data Structures. 2) The desire for shorthand access to these. Indeed. We've decided to support (1) but not (2

Re: ISO/JSON date format timezone questions

2007-07-16 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 7/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I was wondering about two things involving timezones. The proposal Date and time improvements is defining the Date.toISO():String method. It's unclear to me in what timezone the date should be serialized in: local timezone or UTC.

Re: ISO/JSON date format timezone questions

2007-07-16 Thread Lars T Hansen
On 7/16/07, Lars T Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 7/13/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I was wondering about two things involving timezones. The proposal Date and time improvements is defining the Date.toISO():String method. It's unclear to me in what timezone