Attending: Allen Wirfs-Brock, Douglas Crockford, Mark Miller, Sam Ruby

Topic: Review and Discuss name changes and additions to Object meta functions 
in 8/04 Draft.

Summary of 8/04 changes:
Rename Object.getProperty(o,p) to Object.getPropertyDescriptor(o,p)
renamed Object.const (o) to Object.freeze(o)
renamed Object.isConst(o) to Object.isFrozen(o)
added Object.nonExtensible(o)   /*sets an object's internal [[Extensible]] 
property to false.*/
added Object.isExtensible(o)   /* returns current state of an object's  
internal [[Extensible]] property */

getProperty change
Mark argues that for consistency it should be getOwnPropertyDescriptor
(after the meeting, Allen verified that there is an revision error in the 7/15 
and 8/04 drafts that resulted in Object.getOwnProperty and Object.getProperty 
both existing with the same definition.  The intent was to remove 
Object.getProperty so renaming Object.getOwnProperty to 
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor is the change that should have been made for 
the 8/04 draft).
Mark expressed concerns about the length of getOwnPropertyDescriptor.  Allen 
reminded  that getOwnProperty can be interpreted ambiguously as to whether it 
is retrieving a property value or a property descriptor (see previous thread on 
es4-discuss). Allen also argued that a long descriptive name  is not 
necessarily bad for specialized a function that is intended for use by a 
limited audience.
rename Object.getPropertyDescriptor to Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
delete Object.getOwnProperty

Object.const/Objct.isConst renaming
No controversy, everybody was happy with these changes
Actions: none

Added Object.nonExtensible(o)
Nobody is particularly happy with this name.  It's not clearly imperative or 
interrogative. Other possibilities discussed included; notExtensible,  
noExtensions, disallowExtensions, noNewProperties, close, limit, bound, 
preventExtensions. The first few have the same problem as nonExtensible. The 
words close, limit, and bound are either too general, have possible unintended 
semantic interpretations, or are too useful for other purposes. Favorites seem 
to be disallowExtensions and preventExtensions with preventExtensions being 
slightly preferred.
Action: rename Object.nonExtensible to Object.preventExtensions

Added Object. isExtensible()
No controversy, everybody was happy with the addition and name.
Actions: none

Topic: Should Object.keys be repositioned as Object.prototype.keys
Discussion: Allen argued that this isn't really a meta layer operation as it is 
intended for use in application layer code as an alternative to for 
getting a list of enumerable property names. As a application layer method it 
belongs on Object.prototype rather than on the Object constructor.  There was 
general agreement in principle, but it was pragmatically argued by Doug and 
Mark that it is too likely that a user defined object would define its own 
property named "keys" which would shadow Object.prototype.keys making it 
inaccessible for use on such objects.
Action: Leave it as Object.keys.

Topic: Since there is no long an potential ES4 conflict should the name of the 
"flexible" property attribute revert to the originally proposed name "dynamic"?
Discussion: Some possible alternative names:
               dynamic - What it was going to be called until a conflict with 
ES4 proposal developed
               sealed  - corresponds to the name of the operation that turns it 
off for all properties of an object
               fixed - another name similar to sealed
Mark no longer likes dynamic because of possible unintended interpretations 
such as dynamically scoped. Sealed and fixed diverge from the new attribute 
naming pattern which is to use a name that describes the more permissive state 
of boolean attributes or internal properties (eg, writable, enumerable, 
extensible). Flexible has the advantage that it probably doesn't carry with it 
any semantic preconceptions.
Action: Leave it as "flexible"
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