Hello Chris,

Here is the Rmd tutorial I've been working on: https://github.com/ess-intro/presentation-rmarkdown/blob/master/presentation-rmarkdown.Rmd

I've just updated it to incorporate some simplifications in configuration that I've been working on with the Polymode developer Vitalie Spinu. You'll need new versions of poly-R (updated 29 September 2021) and markdown-mode (updated 6 January 2021) to use this as-is. With those completed, there's no further reason to procrastinate on turning this into a video, so I guess that's coming soon now too!



Chris Evans via ESS-help <ess-help@r-project.org> writes:

I am having problems with long Rmd files (and large data, long processing times) in Rstudio. (Sorry, yes, I use Emacs for things and ESS when I'm working with R (but rarely Rmd files) on a server, but I use Rstudio routinely "at home".) This has made me decide it's http://johnstantongeddes.org/open%20science/2014/03/26/Rmd-polymode.html looked pretty straightforward but I thought I should ask here if any changes since 2014 might make that too historical, perhaps not as I couldn't find much that was recent on the topic of ESS and Rmd. However, before I mess with an Emacs/ESS that works just fine
currently, I thought I'd ask here.

I'm running on Ubuntu 20.04 "at home" and Debian (4.19.152-1 (2020-10-18) in case it matters) on the server (and might as well set things up on both if it's easy).

Any advice will be gratefully received (and, who knows, might even tempt me back to Emacs/ESS for much more of what I'm doing!)



Tyler Smith

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