Hi All,

I've made a original distribution that is automatic installation without
any prompt (= silent install).

When I run following on Dom0, it looks running well.

/usr/sbin/virt-install -n fc6 -r 1024 -f /disk/xen/fc6.img -s 40 -m
00:16:3e:00:10:10 -b xenbr0 -c /tmp/auto_fc6.iso -v --vnc --noautoconsole

And here is the configuration of /etc/xen/fc6.

 on_poweroff = "destroy"
 on_reboot = "restart"
 on_crash = "restart"

The problem is that after installed OS, the installer try to reboot
itself. But, the session is going to down. it just looks like

on_reboot = "destroy"

It is a bug? any ideas please!


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