Mere moments ago, quoth I:
> Did you see my other patch specifically for FoE busy?  My slave is
> working fine for busy reads with both of my patches applied.  (There was
> a third patch included in the same email as the busy patch, but that's
> optional and just increases debug logging.)
> My patch also fixes handling of error packets.

These are at, if you're
having trouble finding it.

> As for incrementing the packet number or not, it's been a while since I
> looked at that so I don't remember whether it increments or not with my
> patches applied, but I think I remember making it do whatever the SSC
> was expecting.

I had a quick look at my SSC patches, so now I think I remember -- my
version would continue incrementing the packet number (which is partly why I
ran into the 256 packet limit that prompted the other patch).

You're correct that ETG.1020 indicates that the packet number should not be
increasing though; I missed that part.  (It worries me a bit when both
master AND slave code have to be changed to make something fundamental like
this work, and it makes me wonder about existing devices -- but I guess FoE
read is not implemented all that often.)

One of us should probably make a combined patch set that fixes all three
issues, for ease of future players (and maybe even merging, one of these
days).  I'll probably get to it in a few days when I (hopefully) get back to
EtherCAT-related work, if you don't beat me to it. :)

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