Jacob Meuser wrote:

>On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 01:42:14PM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
>>[root@benBox /etc]# telnet localhost 6667
>>Connected to localhost (
>>Escape character is '^]'.
>>Connection closed by foreign host.
>>portsentry actually binds to 
>>the list of ports in /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
>>so that resulting scans make the system appear generic and running lots 
>>of services!
>Is the idea behind portsentry to ba a "fly catcher" (I can think 
>of any other reason to fake services), an if so, how would listening 
>on achieve this?
It looks like portsentry just binds to all interfaces instead of being 
selective and only binding to a specific interface like a publically 
connected ethernet card.  So, it doesn't really care whether it's coming 
from the loopback device or eth0 or whatever.  This might be a nice 
configuration option to request if anyone is using this tool.  The 
article Ben linked to certainly had a pretty negative tone about this 
program, I wonder if other people are finding it useful...'


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