If you have the bandwidth, install the minimum potato stuff, then switch
to "unstable".  I'll give you my sources list if you're into it.

Bob Miller wrote:

> Questions for all you Debianista.
> Which release should I install?  Potato is old, and Woody is a moving
> target, and ThePostWoodyReleaseWhateverItsCalled is not soup yet,
> right?  What is the rev. number of Woody?
> When I go to www.debian.org, I only see info on getting Potato.
> I see woody in <mirror>/debian/dists/woody, but no info on how
> to install from that directory.
> Should I install Potato first, then upgrade to woody, or what?
> --
>                                         K<bob>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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