Mark Bigler wrote:

>On Saturday 02 February 2002 10:34, Mr O wrote:
>>...we'd all be a happy as clams to leave our
>>usage of "linux" as is. Is this agreed upon by the majority??
>I'm not a member, but I did note that RMS took some exception in regard 
>to the issue of EUGLUG being a true GLUG, since EUGLUG wasn't 
>consistant in its use of GNU/Linux.  If, then, EUGLUG isn't a proper 
>GLUG, it might be best to do a slight renaming and change from Eugene 
>Unix and GNU/Linux User Group to Eugene Unix, GNU, and Linux User Group.
So it's better to never mention GNU and Linux together as GNU/Linux than 
to do it inconsistently, eh?

People are just too damn picky sometimes.


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