Steve, by now someone has probably already replied to you directly?
Just in case -(though I am not the most competent person to reply):
 YES, you can have Linux AND Win on your machine. If you just like to 
experiment you can put the Linux boot record onto a floppy disk. That way 
a) your Win installation doesn't get touched, b) you can't blame Linux if 
something goes wrong on Win, c) you can freely experiment with different 
boot constellations because all just goes on different floppies. (e.g. I 
have a small linux partition on the kid's Win95 machine, and they don't 
even know about it because I have the linux boot floppy (-:
- In order to select HD, partition and boot media you may need to do a 
customized installation rather than an automated; but that depends on 
your distro.
 For starters, Mandrake is easy to install and good in hardware 
detection. I, or someone else may have a Mdk 8.1 set of CDs.
 You can get help at our weekly clinics (Thu), but right now I am not 
sure when we move those from Emerald Park to EFN ??? -check web page or 
subscribe to list!
 If you have a second HD designated for linux, or a partition reserved 
that is not used by Win98 it would be the easiest. If we need to re-sized 
your current Win98 partition you better get your backup done before you 
show up at a Thu clinic!
 2-3 GB gives you enough room to start with and to have fun. If you have 
much more space available don't use it all up for one installation --you 
can have several distros on one HD, and decide later on what you like 
best, or later on mount that extra space to you favorite installation. 
Linux is very flexible.

I hope that helps ................... Horst.

On 6 Apr 2002, Rob Hudson wrote:

> -----Forwarded Message-----
> From: Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: How to get started
> Date: 06 Apr 2002 08:39:56 -0800
>  **  This message was sent from the EUGLUG message board. Since  **
>  **   the person who submitted this question may not be on the   **
>  ** mailing list, please reply directly or on the message board: **
>  **            **
> I would like to learn linux, without giving up my windows os. Can
> i install it on my win98 system without major problems?
> What type of linux should i start with?
> Im finding a lot of info on the web, but no basics yet.
> thanks, steve
> -- 
> Rob <rob_at_euglug_dot_net>
> my @euglugCode = qw(v+++ e--- eug+ bsd+++ gnu+ S+++);

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