Rob Hudson wrote:

>Anyone know much about C-pound?  ;)
>I know it's a Microsoft thing, but what is their agenda?  I haven't seen
>any C# code so don't know too much about why it exists, etc.
>My reason for asking is that Ximian is working on a C# language binding
>to GTK called GTK#, as seen in this announcement:
C# is part of the .NET behemoth, Microsoft's latest and greatest plot to 
take over the world (say that in a Brain voice) with software as a 
service.  Ask twelve people what "software as a service" means and 
you'll get at least a dozen different answers.  It's tied in with 
Passport and all those other Microsoft things we loathe.  It's quite 
similar to Java, with enough Microsoftish incomp^H^H^H^H^H^Hfeatures to 
cause a learning curve for the Java adept.  So, like Java, its a garbage 
collected, object oriented language with a C like (Algol-66 like?) 
syntax.  It compiles to an intermediate byte-code like form called CLR 
(Common Runtime Language).  A virtual machine then interprets or 
compiles it real time into machine instructions.  So, the idea is that 
you get the platform independence of Java...without the platform 
independence :) (Ximian's Mono project notwithstanding).  Apparently, 
the plan is to allow many languages to compile into CLR so you could 
have language independence as well as platform independence.  Whether 
this will take off and allow any languages aside from VB and C# remains 
to be seen.

Some people are taking this very seriously, others not so and I'd put 
myself into the latter camp.  Personally, I like Java's platform for web 
services and such, seeing as it's existed (in a non-vaporware state) for 
a lot longer and there are more real life examples of it being used. 
 Some of the landmines have already been plotted out for the rest of us 
to avoid.  So anyway, Bill Gates thinks that web services will 
revolutionize the way computing is done and that .NET will emerge as the 
clear winner in that space.  Personally, I see a lot more going on with 
Java/J2EE/JSP, at least in the circles I'm a part of.

Or, am I just making this up?  I haven't paid really close attention 
over the past few months, so that's my only somewhat educated (and more 
than somewhat irreverent) take on things.


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