Christopher Maujean wrote:

>read regexp.h :P
>then theres which has lots of cool documentation
>On Thursday 25 April 2002 11:51 am, Rob Hudson wrote:
>>Probing for resources...
>>When coding C/C++ on a Linux machine, what are some good resources to
>>find examples on how to use certain header files?
>>For instance, if I wanted to toy with regexp.h and see how C/C++ can
>>use regular expressions, where could I find what methods are available
>>when I #include regexp.h, and possibly an example showing that method
In addition to reading the headers, which often times have pretty terse 
documentation, ANSI and POSIX C libraries are documented in the manual 
pages, so you can type 'man regex' to see the functions in regex.h, or 
'man stdio' to see the functions there.  If you know the name of a 
function but not the header it's in, type man <function name>.   For 
example, 'man strcat' will show you that definition and tell you that 
it's in string.h.

Some man pages have some examples, or at least an explanation of how you 
are supposed to do things.

You can of course use all those libraries in your C++ code.  There is 
not (at least on my Linux box) documentation in the form of manual pages 
for the C++ STL or other C++ libraries.  There are many good resources 
online, however, so it's not a huge loss.  I do like the convenience of 
typing 'man printf' when I can't remember all that arcane syntax though...

Also, although the following link is really QNX documentation, it some 
times comes in handy as a reference for ANSI and POSIX C stuff:

If anyone knows of a Linux equivalent, please post it!


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