Linux Rocks ! wrote:

>Sometime just before Sunday 28 April 2002 05:13 pm Bob Miller Wrote
>about:[EUG-LUG:2461] Re: asynchronous file access: ? use chattr +S ?
>: *The easiest* way it to say, "Hey, Seth, can you change some web pages
>: for me?"  That's not very fast -- it may take several weeks, depending
>: on how many S+++++'s you have in your EUGLUG code.
>Why would seth want to do any of my html? He's got enough to do... 
>The following suggestions look interesting... I tried kahli's perl line.. 
>Those are very different looking :) Ill try them too :)
Bob's regular expressions are a little more sophisticated than mine are 
and would handle some cases that mine wouldn't.  In particular, his 
examples automatically back up the original file to <filename>.orig, 
edit the file in place instead of printing to stdout, and don't need the 
print statement because -p takes care of it.  They also ignore case (the 
i at the end of the substitution).  His last example will deal with img 
tags that span multiple lines, and the [^>] would keep it from screwing 
up if there was some other tag with an alt attribute.  The idea is the 
same though.


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