There is a section in the man-page about remapping keys in your .screenrc
file for emacs users.

There is also a good summary statement about screen near the end of the
man-page: "A wierd imagination is most useful to gain full advantage of
all the features."

<e-- v++>

At 09:49 PM 6/4/02 Larry Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It's not quite what you're looking for but the 
>command might do the trick, it's a gnu program so available for the OS of
>your choice.
>It allows you to run several processes attached to a terminal session, and
>to remotely detach them from another terminal session and attach them to
>your current terminal session.
>I've used it occasionally when trying to do complicated edits over a
>dial-up link. It has it's drawbacks, but works well for what it is.
>it can kind of mess you up if you're an emacs user since the prefix
>character is Ctrl-A which in emacs is equivalent to ^ in vi and that may
>explain why i never became a big fan.
>has more
>On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Rob Hudson wrote:
>> When you start a program w/o the '&', then inside the program you
>> Ctrl-Z it, then outside the program you 'bg' it.  While you're in that
>> same shell, you can 'fg' it to get back into the program.  Is there a
>> way to 'fg' that program from a different shell/term?
>> Strangely on my woody box, man fg or bg or jobs turns up nothing.
>> I was thinking it would be nice to regain control of a process by
>> using the PID?  Not sure if that's possible or not.
>> One example: If I'm running mutt remotely on my home computer, then
>> come up and want to take control of the mutt process w/o killing it
>> and starting it again (if I'm composing an email?), I'd like to steal
>> it from the terminal I left it open on.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob
>        ( Community, Cooperation, Consensus
>                 ( Openness to serendipity, make mistakes
>  ( but learn from them.(carpe fructus ludi)

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