Webmin forever!!

What a bunch of boneheads. Go get them Seth.

At 10:33 AM 10/13/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>I think the problem is that most of the IT
>professionals _aren't_.
>If you are going to spend $150K, and someone
>points out that you can save most of that, well,
>gee, doesn't that PAY for training, extra stuff,
>etc etc.  TOoignore a huge cost savings makes no
>sense, and you have to wonder.  How many NT
>people remain NT only because they only know how
>to restart the box when it blue screens.  Since
>Linux has a decent set of GUI tools, and even
>good web based tools, I have gotten to the point
>of less and less respect for those unwilling to
>even consider Linux as a solution.  This group is
>a amazing educational bunch, and I'm totally
>willing to help those who come looking to learn,
>but when someone dismisses Linux out of hand, you
>have to wonder how 'professional' they realy are.
>--- Dennis Soper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Here's an "interesting" tidbit.  I was at a
> > meeting Thursday night.  In attendance was the
> > IT business analyst from EWEB.  We got to
> > talking, and I told him I did networks at the
> > U.  He started telling me about the new IT
> > tracking software they were about to spend
> > $100-$150K on (for a 450 box shop).  I told him
> > about what I was using-- IRM -- designed for
> > metropolitan area school districts, does just
> > about anything the expensive ones do, and free
> > (as in speech and beer).  He told me that
> > because it ran on Linux, it was too difficult.
> >
> > Being that they have a big IT department for
> > 450 computers and I have me for 140 computers
> > (I also support a power generation facility),
> > this tells me some not very good things about
> > how are electric bills are being used.
> >
> > I guess, in retrospect, I should have told him
> > to find me an old pentium they were getting
> > ready to toss and to give me a thousand bucks
> > and a couple of hours to set up a system for
> > them....
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Dennis
> > --
> > The most important design issue...  is the fact
> > that Linux is supposed to be fun...
> >                                               - Linus Torvalds
> >
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