It would be interesting to ask Amazon and Intel how much $$$ they contributed 
to the Open Source movement now that they have saved so much by taking 
advantage of it.

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 10:32 am, you wrote:
> unfortunately, in today's "economy", all we CAN focus on is the money.  it
> really saddens me that these reports are all about how much some company
> saved because they use linux.  nobody really cares about the GPL or the
> philosophy behind it.  does anybody really think that intel and amazon were
> looking at anything other than their pocketbooks when deciding on linux?
> one thing that really appeals to me about linux is the GPL (the whole
> concept of sharing information and welcome contribution is incredible to
> me. the social ramifications are staggering.).  while i like the aspect of
> little or no cost, it's not like i actually ever paid for a microsoft
> product in my life anyway <franticly cooks down the incriminating
> evidence>...
> big companies, on the other hand, have to worry about "per seat liscences"
> and other such nonsense.  $$$ is ALL they care about.  thus, linux is a
> viable alternative because it's free (as in "free beer") compared to
> micro$quish.
> and while people may mail me back with some links about how such-and-such
> company or the other is "embracing" the GPL, in my mind it all boils down
> to $$$.  greed is a powerful factor when dealing with today's (and
> yesterday's) business'
> of course, it's not like i wasn't at least _slightly_ motivated by the
> "free" aspect of linux...  but i'll still continue paying for quality
> software.  hell, i may even buy the boxed red-hat 7.2.  or buy my sister a
> boxed mandrake distro for christmas.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Winther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 9:51 AM
> Subject: [EUG-LUG:3557] Robbing from the rich......
> Just a thought, If Intel, is saving 225 million and Amazon is saving like
> 25 million by switching to Linux, then thats 250 million dollars thats NOT
> going to Microsoft, Interesting, don't you think?
> Matthew Winther

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