Young pups!

Regards, Jim

On Sun, 2001-11-04 at 12:14, Bob Miller wrote:
> Jim Darrough wrote:
> > Well, I remember playing Kill the Klingons on a Plasma terminal in 1979
> > at Naval Training Center. It was linked over Darpanet to some university
> > computer system in, I believe New York.
> I remember playing Lunar Lander on a GT40 at the Bates Linear
> Accelerator in Lynn, Mass. around 1978-79.
> The GT40 was a PDP 11/05 (the original pizza box computer, circa 1972)
> with a display processor and vector CRT bolted to the top.  It could
> do very simple line drawings and refresh them in real time.  Sort of
> like the original Asteroids video game.  it had no keyboard, just a
> light pen.
> Obligatory URLs.
> Guys like Seth, who've only used computers for a few years, and who
> only use them to read USENET, wouldn't know anything about this stuff.

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