The club has been looking for an excuse to build a cluster and has been trying to find 
some hardware.  I thought this Seti project would be a good place to start.  I don't 
know anything about Seti so I thought I'd offer the opportunity here.  If Seti is the 
limitation, then I'll let him know his original idea ( several Windoze boxes ) is the 
best one.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 5/7/2001 12:02:45 PM >>>
A lot of common applications can see a performance boost on
distributed/clustered computer system _IF_ the given applications uses
specific math libraries heavely.  The idea is that you install the
distributed/cluster versions of the math libraries then any app that uses
them could see a performance boost.

I think some of the common math libraries that have distributed/clustered
versions are BLAZ and LaPAC.  (The spelling could be way off on those I just
remember the phonetic pronouciation.)

Jim Beard
Chief Engineer
1551 Oak St. Suite D
Eugene, OR  97401
Voice # 541.484.9235
Fax # 541.484.9193

-----Original Message-----
Cory Petkovsek
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 10:55 AM
Subject: [EUG-LUG:891] Re: Seti

Beowulf works best with applications that are designed for parallel
computation.  Programs designed to not share address and memory space among
it's various processes.

>From the seti site:

"Are there versions of SETI@home for parallel systems such as Beowulf or

No. You can parallelize SETI@home by running multiple instances of it,
either on a multiprocessor or on the nodes of a  cluster. Just make sure
that each instance runs in a different directory. "

IMHO, seti would probably perform better on each workstation, individually.
Or to say it another way, there probably won't be any gain from putting seti
on a beowulf cluster.  Your assocate there should have as many computers as
he can chunking away, individually.  The faster the processor, the faster it
will complete a block.  (I'm running it on one system, a thunderbird
1.333ghz.  It takes about 8 hours for one block.)

Here's a little article discussing an intro to beowulf systems, and
home-brewed super computers. 


On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 09:56:35AM -0700, Bob Crandell wrote:
> 2 questions:
> 1)  Is anyone running Seti on Linux?
> 2)  Will it take advantage of Beowulf?
> Explanation:
> One of our clients is competing with one of his friends on how many
packets he can process.  I mentioned the possibility of using some of their
old machines as a Beowulf cluster.  He is all kinds of excited about it.
> If this is something we can do, he would supply 3 computers to start.  He
understands that this is all volunteer and might take awhile to finish and
deliver.  If we time it right, it could be running on demo day.  If this
works as advertised, he will come up with more computers.
> The 3 computers he will start with are HP Brios P 120 with 64 + megs of
RAM and 2 GIG hard drive.  I will make sure they have 10/100 NICs.  He will
connect them with a 10/100 switch.
> Any interest?
> Bob Crandell
> ComSource Associates, Inc.
> Your IT Department
> 747 Willamette St.
> Eugene, Oregon 97401
> Voice:  541-345-0408
> FAX:  541-345-0876

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