On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 07:01:52PM -0700, Timothy Bolz wrote:
> I have a question about Demo Linux and possible could be used for other
> distros.  If Demo Linux is runs from CD, it almost makes it hack proof is what
> I'm thinking.  Sure everthing that is memory and mounted file systems would be
> hackable.  But Let's say you have a cron job run a diagnostics on memory and
> file stucture.  Since Demo Linux is run from a CD I believe it would be
> read-only.  So If I got a Distro to where I like it I could burn it on a CD and
> it would read-only. 

You don't need to burn a CD to have a nonwritable filesystem.  You
can mount most filesystems read only, and some disks and BIOSes can
block writing.
To switch from writable to read only in linux:
# mount -r -o remount /mount/point
to go back:
# mount -w -o remount /mount/point

rw to ro in OpenBSD:
# mount -r -u /mount/point
and back:
# mount -w -u /mount/point

Just make sure you don't make /var and /tmp read only :)


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