On Thu, 10 May 2001, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> True, the security of code first comes from the coder.  But it doesn't
> hurt to have some kind backing for any code, no matter how secure it
> may seem.
> Tainted data in perl is basically anything that comes into your program
> from outside sources, be it a database, user input, data from a file,
> whatever.  In taint mode, tainted data (at least theoretically) cannot
> be used to affect anything else outside the program.  Perl goes into
> taint mode automatically when it notices that real and effective
> UIDs and GIDs are out of sync.  You can also enable taint mode with
> the -T flag.  This is highly recommended for CGI scripts.

This may just be a difference in outlook, but it sounds like the kind of
under-the-covers-magic that makes perl so difficult for the outsider.
Yes python won't stop you from doing something like


but you're unlikely to do so by accident. Which does occasionally seem
like it might be possible in perl ;-)

Of course we all know that perl and python will eventually give way to
something better....

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