Hi all--

I'm not really the guy to link commercial sites or services, since it seems
too close to spam, but I just "found" a site called elance.com, where you
can submit a fixed service (such as translation from Russian-English, ahem,
I already registered that) for a fixed price, or Request Proposals for a job
(Write a CGI script to automate web pages, might take 2-3 hours).  It might
be worth a try if you're into making contacts to work as any kind of
consultant.  You might be suprised what people will pay for some skill that
you have that you consider "dorky".  It's free right now, but they may take
a cut in the future.  At any rate, I think this is where work will be in
about 1-2 years for those of us with specialized skills.

Disclaimer--they did not pay me anything for this free pitch.  Just thought
it could help someone out.

Michael J. Smith
Flyfisher, Russian Translator, and Linux-Geek-At-Large

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