GSpot, Tom's and Windmill have all released their selections with a bunch of 
teams missing out on a nice tournament in the Benelux region.  

We still have a few more spots in our tournament, Rising High in Delft, the 
Netherlands for teams looking to fill that void.  Takes place on Pentecost 
weekend (19-20 May) with an optional hat tournament on 18 May.  

Registration is closing in a couple days but we will likely continue to take 
teams in up until we fill up  (we can host 20 teams total between our open and 
women's division).

Registration is on FFINDR:
All other info is on:

Don't forget that every team gets a full game video uploaded to Vimeo, great 
organic meals, an awesome party with live music and, of course, great ultimate 
for just a 100 Euro team fee and a 40 Euro player's fee.

Rising High Committee

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