Hello European Pythonistas,

Now we have some more great publicity materials at
wiki.europython.eu/Publicity/ including banners and wallpaper.

* If you are a delegate, use 'I'm going to EuroPython'
* If you are a speaker, use 'I'm speaking at EuroPython'
* If you can't come this year :-( use 'I wish I was going to EuroPython'

put them on your website, blog or whatever, linked to http://europython.eu !

Intrigue your colleagues : use the EuroPython wallpaper on your Desktop !

Publicise EuroPython, come to EuroPython, enjoy yourself at EuroPython 2009 !

Thank you, Steve Hawkes, for these graphics, Thank you, Zachary Voase,
for the EuroPython logo !

See you there, 28th June to 4th July, Birmingham UK

Best wishes,

Europython-improve mailing list

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