On 11/14/2015 04:32 AM, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

Electric car pollution calculator
2015-11-12  Mary Landers

I also had to pay the newly instituted Georgia electric vehicle fuel tax in
September, a flat $200. That works out to a 50% addition to the price of
fueling the vehicle, so I'm up to about 1.5 cents per mile.

Georgia charges 26 cents per gallon fuel tax so that $200 is the same amount of tax as buying 770 gallons of gas. If you're an "average" driver who drives 15,000 miles per year you have to be driving something that gets 19mpg to use that much fuel. Not unreasonable if you're the typical person driving a pickup truck but people driving EVs tend to be more energy conscious. If you were in a Prius you'd have to drive about 38,000 miles to rack up $200 in fuel tax.

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