State With Dirtiest Power Grid Has Highest Electric-Car Incentive
By  John Voelcker  Jul 13, 2015

Electric-car wells-to-wheels emission equivalencies in MPG, Sep 2014 (Union
of Concerned Scientists)
] ...

Life is full of little ironies.

And life in the 50 states that make up the United States of America is full
of inconsistencies, including those among electric-car incentives from state
to state.

West Virginia, for instance, turns out to offer a remarkably high income-tax
credit of up to $7,500 for citizens (who can take advantage of it) who buy a
battery-electric vehicle.

The irony comes because West Virginia has the filthiest power grid among all
50 states--or, more accurately, the grid with the highest carbon dioxide
emissions per kilowatt-hour.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the carbon
intensity of a kilowatt-hour of electricity produced in West Virginia in
2011 (the most recent data provided) was 80.8 kilograms of CO2 per million

That's the highest of any state in the nation.

It's higher than the national average of 55.3 kg/million BTUs, and 63
percent higher than the 49.5 reading in California (which accounts for up to
half of all plug-in electric vehicle sales in the U.S. these days).

That doesn't mean that driving an electric car in West Virginia is worse
than a gasoline car; even on the dirtiest grids, the carbon footprint of an
electric car is equivalent to a gasoline vehicle of at least 30 miles per
gallon or more.

But it does mean that in West Virginia, a 50-mpg Toyota Prius may have a
slightly lower carbon footprint than an electric car--which is not the case
in the vast majority of states. West Virginia loses simply because its grid
is so coal-heavy.

As for the California comparison, it's worth noting that the Golden State's
grid has gotten progressively cleaner since 2011, with an aggressive state
program toward a goal of boosting use of renewable energy by 50 percent from
current levels by 2030.

That's one advantage of cars fueled by grid electricity, of course: As the
grid gets cleaner, so does each mile driven in a plug-in car. Gasoline and
diesel cars, by contrast, can't cut their carbon per mile unless they use
lower-carbon fuels--which are rare at best today.

The West Virginia incentives for purchase of a plug-in vehicle, according to
the informative Plug-In America page that tracks all state incentives, is:

Income tax credit of 35% of vehicle purchase costs or 50% of conversion
cost, up to $7,500 for vehicles less than 26,000 lbs and up to $25,000 for
vehicles greater than 26,000 lbs. Expires Dec 31, 2021.

Infrastructure tax credits of 50% of installation cost, up to $10,000 for
residential, up to $250,000 for commercial, and up to $312,500 for publicly
accessible charging ...

That's among the very highest state incentive programs in the nation, even
exceeding Georgia's now-ended $5,000 tax credit for purchase of an
all-electric car.

We learned about this little irony from an article on ChargedEVs covering a
new report from Carnegie Mellon University that says, essentially, that the
carbon footprint of an electric car depends on the grid it's charged from.
No surprise there.

The article notes that under specific circumstances, nighttime charging may
have a slightly higher carbon footprint because in some states, the
base-load power generation has a higher proportion of coal in the mix than
at any other times with higher loads.

But as Charged EVs put it, the report also notes that, "Differences in state
subsidies do not align well with regional difference in carbon efficiency."

Not to worry, though: Conversations with electric-car makers indicate that
West Virginia is, shall we say, not high on their list of target
markets--for any number of reasons.
Electric Vehicles Are Getting Marginally Better, In A Big Way
Rachael Nealer  July 14, 2015

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