Tesla Model 3 critic has change of heart after test drive
February 19, 2018  Simon Alvarez


Munro Evaluates Tesla’s Model 3

After strongly criticizing the Tesla Model 3 for its build quality and
alleged safety issues, Sandy Munro of Munro & Associates said that he and
his team were actually impressed with the performance and driving
capabilities of the mass market compact electric car.

Munro’s further observations on the Model 3 were featured in a new Autoline
Network YouTube video, where the Detroit veteran took the electric car for a
brief drive with host John McElroy. Quite unlike their first video, when the
two automotive veterans almost had nothing positive to say about the
electric car, Sandy Munro took an entirely different stance when talking
about the actual capabilities of the vehicle.

While driving the vehicle around, Munro and McElroy immediately gave
positive comments on the car’s simplistic, clean look. One thing that the
Detroit veteran was particularly impressed with, however, was the Model 3’s
HVAC system, which he called “brilliant.”

Munro did note, however, that the HVAC system’s onscreen controls take a few
taps to access. He was also not a fan of the car’s 15-inch center console,
which he believes can be detrimental to drivers. Overall, however, Munro
stated that his team was impressed with how the car performed during driving
tests on the Transportation Research Center, especially with regards to
responsiveness and control.

“Actually, we kind of liked the car. It’s a very good drive. This is very
responsive. You feel in control when you’re driving this car, and we like
that a lot,” the Detroit veteran said.

Munro further asserted that his team was made up of seasoned auto
professionals. Despite their experience in the auto industry, however, the
Detroit veteran noted that his team was happy with the performance of the
Model 3, particularly its acceleration and handling.  

    “The acceleration, everybody loved. The handling, everybody loved.”

The Munro & Associates CEO also discussed his team’s other observations
about the electric car, such as its under chassis and how it was evident
that the Model 3’s design has allowances for a dual motor, all-wheel drive.
Munro also discussed a noise his team reported from the car’s electric motor
during high-speed driving. The auto veteran also mentioned that his team had
developed a liking for the Model 3’s Sport Mode, which brings out the car’s
true potential.

When the Autoline Network host asked Munro what he thought of the electric
car’s overall driving capability, the Detroit veteran admitted that he
actually liked the way the electric car carried itself on the road.

Munro asserted, however, that his team is still in the process of analyzing
and testing the Model 3 and thus, the vehicle’s full scores and ratings are
still up for question. For now, however, Munro noted that while the Model 3
failed in fit and finish, he is quite confident that the Model 3 scored well
on an important metric — ride and drive.

    “I like the drive, I did. I gave it pretty high marks. I know that
nothing counts until we see all the profile tests and things like that, but
for me, this was a pretty good experience. So I’m pretty hopeful and pretty
confident that we’re gonna see a pretty good outcome on ride and drive.” 

As we noted in a previous article, Munro gave the Model 3 a brutal critique
of the car’s fit and finish and its safety features, even noting at one
point that he could not imagine how Tesla could release such a vehicle to
the market. The Munro & Associates CEO even remarked at one point that the
Model 3, as a whole, was a miserable job that was created by “electronic

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