Living With A Tesla Model S
Campbell Simpson  [2015/07/10]


Late last year, I wrote my review of the Tesla Motors Model S, after
spending a couple of days driving the all-electric supercar around the city.
I got to experience its instantaneous power, massive 17-inch touchscreen,
and the froot, but not the advantages (and disadvantages) that come with
having a giant high-power lithium-ion battery.

A couple of weeks ago, I hopped into a black-on-black-on-black Model S 85 —
just a regular old Model S, not the high-powered P85 or dual-motor P85D,
which hasn’t yet landed in Australia — for a week, and drove it around a lot
— just to deplete the battery, just so that I could charge it up again.
Along the way, I found out a few interesting things about what it’s like to
own and live with an electric car. When you can’t simply pull into a petrol
station and fill up with 500 kilometres worth of dinosaur juice in five
minutes or less, you drive a little differently.

I’ll be absolutely honest with you, though — there’s a problem with what I’m
writing here. There’s no way to get a true test of Tesla Model S ownership,
though, without having a High Power Wall Connector installed at home — this
is the primary charging method of the vast majority of Model S owners. It,
not a Supercharger, is how you refill your Model S in most cases.

Tesla’s home charging solution provides up to 10kW of power to any Model S,
and you’ll get 47km of range per hour from it. I still haven’t used a High
Power Wall Connector, and that meant that I started each Tesla-driving day
with slightly less power in the battery — fine for my week-long test, but
not what any Tesla owner would want. Instead, I had to make do with the
2.4kW mobile charging connector — much, much slower — but more on that

Supercharging: Not Exactly A Petrol Pump, But Close
Sydney has two sets of Superchargers — the Tesla Motors fast-charging
stations that fill the Model S’ 60-, 70- or 85kWh underbody batteries from
empty to full in a matter of minutes rather than a matter of hours. You’ll
(theoretically) get a full 548 kilometres of range from a Supercharger in an
hour — that’s more than a full charge for the Model S’ top 85kWh,
502km-rated battery. Of course, there’s a bit of ramping up and down in
charge speed as temperatures and charge states vary, but it’s still
ridiculously fast.

Supercharging in Australia is still in its infancy, though — the first
extra-city Supercharger, in Goulburn in New South Wales on the road between
Sydney and Canberra, is yet to be completed, although more still are on the
way. In the next couple of years, the network will grow significantly.

Once the Supercharger network is more fleshed out, it’ll be awesome. As it
stands, though, it’s being used in a slightly unintended way — for
city-slicking Tesla drivers to top up when their batteries are running low.
People like me. Although there’s no reason why you wouldn’t use it if you
were nearby, Tesla doesn’t strictly intend for the Superchargers to be used
in this way.

A Supercharger is for getting enough juice in the tank to handle a big trip,
not for refilling your Model S after you’ve been spending the week driving
around the city needlessly wasting energy — exactly like I was doing,
strangely enough. But whatever the intention of the Superchargers, the fact
remains that they’re by far the fastest method of charging a Tesla battery.

They operate at up to 120kW, faster than any other electric car charger
around, and that means you can drive your Model S around ’til its battery
charge is low, just like you’d drive an internal combustion engine car, then
visit a fast charger for a top up. (Not that you should, by the way, once

I visited the Tesla Supercharger station hidden away in the basement of The
Star casino in Pyrmont, Sydney. Five Superchargers are accessible, once you
find them — I had to ask an attendant where to go, then tell someone via
intercom that I was here to charge my electric car, then descend a couple of
levels into The Star’s labyrinthine parking structure. The little dedicated
area for Tesla Model S parking and charging is actually very cool, for what
it’s worth, and you do get a fair few sideways looks when you’re hooking up
your car to the tall white monolith that is a Supercharger.

I rocked up, plugged my electric supercar into charge, and… waited. It’s an
initially odd experience compared to visiting a petrol station, and I ended
up going for a bit of a walk around Pyrmont. The casino is a nice place to
waste half an hour, and that certainly helped. In any case, it didn’t cost
me anything. I drove in with 139km of range (about 27 per cent) and drove
out with 466km (about 93 per cent) about 45 minutes later.

Overall, the short extra wait versus a petrol bowser — was worth the big
boost in range, especially when it cost zero dollars — although I did get a
$5 coffee. I really liked Supercharging the Tesla — it just felt cool.

Mobile Charging: A Last Resort, Though It Definitely Helps
After my Supercharging experiment, I resolved to empty the battery once more
and see how the mobile wall charger went. The last night in my week-long
loan of the Model S, I got home with a (slightly worrying) 96km (19 per
cent) charge left in the car’s 85kWh battery. It was 9PM, and I thought an
overnight charge would give the Model S a healthy boost in capacity. I got
home, got the mobile wall connector out of the Model S’ boot, found a
25-metre extension cable in my garage, hooked the car up to my garage, and…
waited. Well, to be fair, I went inside and went to bed — it was cold and I
was tired.

In any case, when I awoke the next morning and unplugged the Model S’ mobile
charger, it was 7AM. In 10 hours of charging off the 2.4kW mobile charger,
I’d moved from 19 per cent to 42 per cent charge, jumping from 96km of range
to 211km of range.

To be honest, for my commuting needs — even including the extra distance I
had to travel to drop the car off with the Tesla guys at their beautiful
showroom in St Leonards — that extra range boost was way more than I needed.
But in this world of smartphones, where we’re used to waking up to a full
battery, it was still a slightly unsettling experience.

This is a situation where for most Model S owners, they’d be using a High
Power Wall Connector and charging their cars ten times faster than I did.
But the mobile wall charger has its places — what if you were visiting a
friend? What if you were heading interstate on a road trip and staying
overnight at a motel?

It is, of course, limited by the infrastructure that sits between it and the
power lines in the street — it’s already drawing the maximum current and
maximum voltage that a single power point can supply. But that, in itself,
is a (very minor) limitation worth considering when you buy an electric car.
The whole charging process just requires that tiny extra bit of thought
compared to a fossil fuel-powered vehicle.

I think the takeaway from this is that if you want to live with a Tesla
Model S, you should probably treat it like a smartphone, and keep it charged
whenever you’re able — and that means parking it in your driveway overnight,
sucking up that sweet sweet off-peak power from your properly installed High
Power Wall Connector, and getting a charge for the next day’s driving. (Of
course, it isn’t necessary, since it’ll perform just the same until it’s
actually low on power.)

It’s not like a petrol car that you can just fill up in a couple of minutes,
even if you have to wait for the guy in front of you. It’s just a different
approach and a different discipline, and I genuinely think it’s a superior
one — no more petrol station visits! You’re doing it all yourself, and
that’s great. The mobile charger, too, is an emergency holdout, an electric
derringer that just might save your bacon but that you shouldn’t ever have
to use.

Destination Charging: It’s Not Supercharging, But It’ll Do
Read more of our coverage of the Tesla Motors Model S in Australia.

Then there’s destination charging — that’s Tesla’s term for a charger that
fits into your life a little more seamlessly than a Supercharger you have to
go out of your way to visit, but not a home charger that you can only used
when you’re parked overnight. Destination charging is relatively new to
Australia, and it follows the same model as in the United States — a popular
or convenient location can partner with Tesla to place a couple (or more) of
Tesla’s home-grade High Power Wall Connectors for Tesla customers to use,
attracting them to park at that business.

Hotels, shopping centres, even restaurants, are some of the hundreds already
in use across the US. I haven’t yet tried a destination charger, but I have
to say, as a reason to go on a road-trip holiday, it sounds like a great

If you were looking for a reason to book a fancy hotel out in the sticks, a
fast Tesla charger on the premises makes perfect sense — I can’t wait for
this list to grow to include a place like the Hydro Majestic and Wolgan
Valley, because it’s an absolutely great concept.

Although I don’t think any Tesla Model S road-tripper would go long-distance
travelling without chucking the mobile charging connector in the boot for
emergencies, destination chargers offer a more realistic way to top up when
you’re away from your house or a supercharger. More than being romantic or
exploratory destinations, though, most of the destinations on the list are
shopping centres. This actually makes a lot of sense — apart from your
house, where do you park your car for the longest unbroken stretch of time?

Now all we need is for Tesla to get Model S destination chargers into
popular commuter parking stations around our cities and towns — then, I
think, the company’s Australian charging infrastructure will have its killer

Update: Tesla says it has partnered with Secure Parking to bring destination
charging to nine different parking stations in Sydney, Melbourne and
Brisbane. Great!

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