I don't write often but will take a moment.

The only reason we do everything with petrol is because that is what our "paid 
for" government wants us to have. If back it the beginning (early 119003) the 
Rockefellers would have had their money in pizzaballs then we would have been 
powering everything today with pizzaballs so to say that oil is oil because it 
is oil and we need it, well I have to disagree. If the minds and industries 
would literally focus on "THE SUN" we would be able to eliminate the use of oil 
and stop polluting the only place we have to live, THE EARTH.

As to how expensive EVs from the automakers are. It is not because they are 
expensive to build. You of all people know that. They are simply expensive 
because they want them to be. I would use the excuse of engineering time needs 
to be recouped but then the decision to stop building them would make no sense. 
It is simply because they still want to sell only ICE powered vehicles. This 
mindset is still their because the financial powers are backed by oil. This 
only works for them if the distribution structure stays in place. Once you 
start having a society that can fill their car from a plug in the garage you 
begin to take from the profitability of the delivery infrastructure that now 
exists. INCIDENTLY, this is also why they want the fuel cell instead of the 
electric. It keeps the delivery infrastructure intact. 

I sign my Emails,
Mark Grasser

-----Original Message-----
From: EV [] On Behalf Of Electric Blue auto 
convertions via EV
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:56 AM
Subject: [EVDL] dont buy a fiat

Yes I agree, the auto makes are going to loss money every time they make a 
electric car. that's just how it works, the majority public just doesn't want 
them  There a "pop  "fad,  . Maybe in 25 years when all the gear hea ds are 
dead , but it will always be a money losing thing for auto companies. They 
could se ll more 
 if they cut the price because there all way over priced any way and not worth 
1/4 of what there selling for. I think Tesla will only have about 5 to 10 yea 
rs left and I own stock in the company. Nissan is subsidized  for low sales by 
the govt, They haven't anything to bitch about
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