We were not ready to experience electric cars: Raw, but deceptive power
April 18, 2019  Mark Anthony Karam

 shifter  Image: Geek Dad, Anthony Karcz
The Bolt EV has a very modern feel. Image: Chevrolet
The Bolt EV at the e-MotorShow. This small, fully-electric car packs 200hp!

We got our hands on 2 EVs at the e-MotorShow: a fully-electric one and a
hybrid. The experience was unlike anything we expected...

We test drove the Chevrolet Bolt EV and the Volvo XC90 SUV [pih]

   - These vehicles, whether fully-electric or hybrid, pack a serious punch

   - There was one particular aspect of the experience that felt the most

The Middle East’s first electric MotorShow closed its doors this week, but
not before we had a chance to test drive some of the electric vehicles on
display! The lines were long, but we managed to get our hands on the
Chevrolet Bolt EV hatchback, and the Volvo XC90 SUV. The experience of
driving these vehicles was completely mind-blowing.

Getting in the driver seat of the fully-electric Bolt, you are greeted by a
completely unfamiliar sight. The shifter stick in the Bolt EV and many other
fully electric vehicles is much more basic than the gear stick in an
automatic or manual transmission car, displaying only R, N, P, D and L
(stands for Low, which is a mode that slows down the car automatically,
engaging regenerative braking which charges the battery). 

At the centre of the dashboard, you get a dose of the full-tech feel, with a
massive 10.2 inch screen that screams modern.  The overall cabin is filled
with sleek lines, and blacks and grays. 

But enough about the design. How does the car drive?

For a subcompact hatchback, and considering it is a full electric car, I was
not expecting the sheer power of the car when I laid down my foot on the
pedal. I was expecting the car to struggle to build momentum, for the
speedometer needle to slowly inch up. 

I was sorely mistaken. 

Silently thunderous power

The lightest touch on the gas pedal (yeah… we are gonna need to rename
this), and the car would fling into acceleration. I would say “roar to
life,” but the thing is, there was barely any sound! No engine revving, no
perceivable sound of a gearshift. I felt amazed, and… cheated. Deceived. 

I don’t mean this in a negative way. With such power, we've come to expect
an equally roaring engine to accompany our shifts to upper gears. There is
no such thing with this fully-electric EV. In turn, you feel deceived when
you are speeding, or about to speed. Subconsciously, we are used to the
sound of a roaring engine warning us that we are, indeed, speeding. This can
be exciting, but also alarming – alarming in the sense that we are risking
our lives right now. Maybe slow down a bit, the car subconsciously nudges
us. But nope, not with EVs. 

It’s not surprising then why Europe has created a new law that states “all
new electric and hybrid models seeking approval in Europe will have to emit
a noise when travelling at low speeds.” According to the Guardian report,
the law will be implemented starting from July 2019. Existing vehicles are
expected gradually to be retrofitted with devices by 2021. This law stems
from the fact that EVs pose a risk to pedestrians when travelling under 20
kph, when they barely produce any audible sound ... 

I nod, and proceed to drive out of the building.

“Alright, hit it now,” he states, once we’re out. 

And so I did. Boy, was I not ready.

The sound was less muted here, compared to the fully electric Bolt EV, as
the ICE engine jolted to life. Within a split-second, I was racing across a
short stretch of concrete. It was surreal. The combination between the
electric and gas-powered engines meant I was in control of unbridled power
like I’d never been before. The sound was not much louder than before, but
the sensation of motion completely differed. 

Safe to say, I immediately let go of the pedal, as I was driving in a small,
controlled environment. Still, the memory was seared into my mind. I
completed my test run, and stepped out, exhilarated.

EV-phobia: Fact or fiction?

Completing my test drives, I immediately recalled the common misconception
among the public that assumes electric vehicles (EVs) lack the raw power of
internal combustion engine automobiles. Often, the public envisions “toy”
wannabe cars that could never rival a Camaro or a Mustang. After my test
drives, I was ready to argue back ... 

The Chevrolet Bolt EV hatchback I test drove outputs a serious 200 hp. For a
car of its size to pack such power is truly surprising ...

After my first true brush with EV technology, I can safely say that I’m a
believer in this tech, cheesy as it may sound. You need to try it to see for
yourself. Countries like the UAE and Lebanon have started stocking EVs at
their showrooms. Why not give them a visit. Get yourself a test drive and
see for yourself. 

Canadian non-profit offers purchase incentive for used EVs
Apr. 19th 2019 - Perhaps the quickest way to get more buyers into electric
cars would be to make them cheaper. And now a Canadian non-profit aims to do
that, by applying an incentive to the most affordable cars—used cars.
Ontario-based Plug'n Drive announced last week that it will offer a rebate

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