Interview with Circle K Norway: "It's difficult to develop a model for the
EV industry"
February 10, 2020  Oscar Smith Diamante

 CircleK .eu rep
 CircleK .no EVSE station
 indoor CircleK EVSE

Q- What effect will electric vehicles have in traditional petrol stations?
What is the best business model for EV chargers? We sat down with Håkon
Stiksrud, Head of E-mobility at Circle K Europe, to learn how the global
fuel retailer is using Norway as an experiment.

A- Global fuel retailer Circle K sees Norway as the laboratory for electric
vehicle (EV) charging. “Here we can understand how to become relevant to the
EV driver and how to make a profitable business model out of it,” says Håkon
Stiksrud, Head of E-mobility at Circle K Europe. EV penetration in Norway is
quite unique – last year EVs made up 56% of all new car sales, up from 31%
in 2018. In addition, Couche-Tard (Circle K) is the only global fuel
retailer with operations in Norway. That is an advantage that they want to
leverage to get ahead of the EV charging game. “That's the objective - to
learn in Norway and bring the knowledge to other territories.”

Q- What is the current status of your expansion into EV charging? 

A- We have just above 400 fast chargers on our sites in Norway. Around 100
of those are Circle K branded and operated. While the remaining 300 are with
partners like Tesla, Ionity and Grønn Kontakt, a local charging company that
was our first partner. When we stepped up our focus on EV charging a year
and a half ago, we started with around 125 charge points at our sites. We
have tripled the size of our charging network since then. The target is to
have 500 before the summer.  

Q- As you mentioned, Circle K currently has the two models in its network
(company operated chargers and others operated by partners). Going forward
do you see one clear model?

A- This is a question we are asking ourselves and that we would like to
answer through our Norwegian experience. The answer is not clear yet. There
are advantages and disadvantages to both systems. Strategically, it is a
benefit to be present in the larger part of the value chain. Charging also
needs to fit in with the rest of the company structure. But right now we are
working with both models to figure out which is one is more beneficial. 

Q- Norway is a very progressive country when it comes to the transition to a
greener society. However, did you meet any resistance from your own
franchises when you came up with this model? 

A- The reception has been overwhelmingly positive from our store operators
because, when you reach the level of penetration we have in Norway with EVs,
this can be a major traffic driver and it is also a competitive advantage –
being out there before our competition. We are capturing EV drivers that
could instead go to other places. Store operators are happy as it improves
store traffic. 

Q- Rapid chargers require a large cost of installation and one of the key
issues is getting that investment back. From Circle K’s perspective, how do
you see this issue?

A- It is difficult to develop a model for this industry. The reason is that
it is a new sector, we don't know the customer price sensitivity and we
don't have a detailed understanding of the costs (the development of
electricity prices, for example). It is highly variable between countries
and even regions within countries. It will probably develop when the usage
of the grid goes up. We think it is going to be profitable but how much -
that's difficult to tell. 

Q- The same way we see regular and renewable liquid fuel at the pump station
in Europe, will we also see “green electricity chargers” and “regular
electricity chargers”?

A- I strongly believe that is should be green electricity always. We are
moving to electricity for a bigger reason - the environment and reducing the
effect of climate change. Most consumers in Norway are concerned that the
electricity should be green. In other markets where prices may have more
disparity it could be different. 

Q- What percentage of the electricity that you provide at your stations is

A- It is almost all green as most of the energy produced in Norway is
hydroelectric. We are working to ensure that it's 100% green at our

Q- Electric vehicles do not perform as well in extreme weather conditions,
as it could be the cold winter of Norway

A- Driving distances obviously go down when it is cold. That's a known fact.
You could say that the range of EVs, although still lower, is sufficient to
facilitate the migration from combustion engine to EV. The development of
new EVs is about to eliminate this problem, when the range surpasses 300
kilometres it is no longer an issue, at least for the Norwegian population.
For the average family car, the practical range in summer would between 350
and 400 kilometres; that goes to down to around 300 when it is cold. It is
enough for most trips in Norway. Must people put in a stop in those trips
anyway and they can recharge at a speed of around 10 kilometres per minute
where there is a speed charger available. So in 10 minutes you have an extra
of 100km. I don't think range is an issue even with cold temperatures. 

Q- Another issue around the expansion of electric vehicle market is the loss
of taxes for governments. This is a debate currently being had in the UK 

A- There are ongoing discussions around this topic but no solution has been
found. One of the ideas is paying by kilometre driven regardless of the type
of car and fuel. Also, when there is enough penetration of EVs in the market
and the price of battery cars goes down, there will be no more need for

Q- There's been an effort from Circle K to clarify that installing electric
chargers does not mean closing down fuel pumps. From that perspective, how
long do you think the traditional fuel station model has left?

A- Society will depend on liquid fuel supply for a long time still, probably
decades, and advanced biofuels from our pumps can be a permanent energy
supply alongside electricity. But we foresee a conversion to bigger stores
with many charging points – charger hubs. The reason for that is the benefit
of scale. It is also good for customers because when you come to such a
place there is the probability that the charging points will be taken.
That's the philosophy of Tesla – they deploy big charge hubs with 12 to 20
chargers. The goal is to have a good customer offer. That's probably a trend
we will see. Another trend will be the improvement of the store offer
adapted to a bigger mass of customers and also to longer brakes. 

If you want to keep the whole network of fuelling stations, we need to
figure out what is the service concept for the future – that’s a challenge
for the whole industry. 

Q- Leaving Norway for a moment. What plans do you have in other countries in
regards to the roll out of EV charging?

A- We are working on our plans to expand outside Norway. Last year we
focused on getting the position in Norway and ramp up our stations with
chargers. This year and the following we will see an expansion to other
countries. We already have Ionity in Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. They will
deploy in the Baltics this year. We also have local partnerships in other

Q- The future of transport will be based around electric, autonomous and
shared economy, according to experts such as Jacob Schram, former head of
Circle K Europe. Do you agree with that vision?

A- I agree. The question is how fast, not if. When will we see people
sharing vehicles and not owning them. And when will we see cars driving
autonomously. The fastest step will be the transition to electricity. How
fast the other two elements develop will depend on the market. A factor is
also age – for many young people owning a car is no longer a habit. They
will be the first adopters. We will see the heavy effects of this in 10, 20
years. Often technological changes come faster that we foresee but you also
see that adoption of technology can be slower than expected. 

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