EV rider: What is it actually like to drive electric vehicles in Ireland?
11.03.2015  Colm Gorey

The Nissan Leaf is Ireland's most popular EV by a considerable margin. Image
via Nissan
An ominous message as I charged my Nissan Leaf in Cahir, Co Tipperary
A standard AC charge point opposite Hueston Station, Dublin. No designated
parking space is currently marked here
A map of Ireland's current AC (green), DC fast-charging (blue), hotel
charging points (yellow) and ones that are out of order (purple)  /

With Tesla’s electric vehicles (EVs) garnering more attention than EVs ever
have before, EVs in Ireland are still seen as being in their experimental
stage. What is it actually like to own one in the country? 

Since I’ve been testing EVs for, it’s been a rather
interesting ride to say the least, and there’s no pardoning of that pun in
this case.

Moments of amazement at their high rate of acceleration, quietness and
ability to raise intrigue are balanced with constant looking at your battery
gauge, struggles to find a charging point that hasn’t been blocked by a
fossil-fuel powered car and a sense that turning your heater up to the third
bar could be the deciding factor in whether you’re car’s battery is going to
make it home or not.

Of course, the current generation of EVs have come a long way in the last
number of years and, as mentioned before, the likes of Tesla are doing a
damn fine job in making EVs appear cool, where once they were considered a
pie-in-the-sky dream that could never replace the 100-year-old engines that
are powered by dinosaurs’ remains.

Incentives galore
Certainly, from an Irish perspective, the current Government and electricity
provider ESB are making it rather attractive to those looking to buy a new
car to go green not just from an environmental perspective, but also in your

No other type of vehicle on the road is as subsidised by the Government as
EVs are.

Just for owning one of the 10 currently on the market, an EV buyer gets
€5,000 knocked off the price with the help of a grant from the Sustainable
Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), no vehicle registration tax (VRT), free
public charging (for the time being), all of which is almost a necessity
given the, quite frankly, high costs of EVs currently.

So why are the Government throwing money at you to make the EV switch? It’s
quite simple; Ireland have made some bold promises and it’s desperate to
keep them. As a nation, we are one of the lowest buyers of EVs in Europe and
in 2013 we only sold a little over 50 EVs in the entire country but despite
this, we did see a 200pc last year with 256 sales recorded for 2014.

And yet here we are in 2015 and the Irish Government has put in place plans
to magically have 250,000 EVs on our roads in five years’ time which is
ambitious, and arguably foolish, to say the least.

Charging availability, to a point
Certainly, at the moment, ESB Networks have established a charging point
network that from the outside appears to more than meet the needs of the
current number of EVs with nearly three points in the country for every car.

Of course, if there is to really be some evangelical moment where every
person suddenly decides to trade in their car for an EV, there would need to
be significant up-scaling of the network.

The man at the helm of expanding Ireland’s EV charging infrastructure is
Donal Herraghty, technology & programme manager at ESB eCars who when
speaking to me says that Ireland lays claim to being one of the best
supported EV infrastructures not just in Ireland, but the world in terms of
fast DC charging which is vital to the country’s view of making EVs a mode
of national transport, not just cities.

“A lot of countries tend to start offering EVs, giving out a load of
incentives and then trying to meet demand as it comes. We wanted to make
sure people could travel around the country and have access to public
infrastructure as well as in their own home,” Herraghty says.

“The idea is that you could travel from Dublin to Galway and every 60km
you’d have a fast charger.”

From my own experiences, I had little to fault the system that is place with
each charger performing as expected, to much relief as someone with
crippling ‘range anxiety’.

But I’m just someone who tests the cars, what about someone who drives one
every day?

ICEd to meet you
“Where the ESB is concerned, I personally feel that they’re doing good work,
but that’s probably not a universal view,” says Frank Barr, chairperson of
the Irish EV Owners Committee, an organisation set up by Irish EV owners to
lobby the ESB for improvements as well as giving suggestions.

“I don’t think many appreciate it, I certainly do, but this is all very,
very new technology. There are going to be little gremlins in there and they
need to be ironed out, but they have been ironed out and some people
disagree thinking the ESB could be more pushy about it.”

It would be a bit of an understatement to say that views are polarised when
it comes to how ESB Networks are doing having personally received dozens of
emails from various Irish EV drivers, but one thing certainly unites people
in their unhappiness with public charging: being ‘ICEd’.

Using the acronym for ‘internal combustion engine’, the terms refers to when
a regular car is parked in one of the bays left for EVs to charge, or as the
problem has been, the lack thereof.

Up until the last few months, car park spaces beside charging points were
fair game, and still are in some cases, which leaves many EV drivers tearing
their hair out as they then attempt to find the next-nearest charge point.

Even yours truly had an experience where a person swung into the only
available space as I was about to park and after telling them this was
effectively my petrol station, the person told me where to go, in a series
of rage-inducing expletives.

Waiting with bay-ted breath
Thankfully, Herraghty says this was heard loud and clear and steps are now
underway to solve this, “One of the things we’re about to start trialling at
the moment with Cork City Council is painting the parking spaces with ‘EVs
only’ and it will be illegal to park there. That’s the message we’re going
to have to get across over the next few months that with the rolling out of
this in urban areas and public sites, the local authorities will be
enforcing this with parking enforcement officers and parking wardens.”

This is easier said than done however, something which Barr feels needs to
be done through greater awareness that has been done for other parking bays.

“Once people start getting tickets or start getting clamped, then it will be
successful. That’s what we’re looking for, that it will be the same as
disabled bays,” he says.

The other issue that gets raised on occasion is the charging points
themselves and the maintenance that comes with them, something which
Herraghty says is monitored 24 hours a day and can respond remotely on some
issues, say, if there is a software issue and needs to be rebooted or
detaching a cable, but also says its protocol is to send someone out within
three hours.

However, I’ve heard a number of anecdotes from Irish EV owners who have told
of stories where charging points being down or not functioning properly are
more common than reported, which haven’t been updated to show on ESB’s EV
charge point map, the go-to source of the live status of Ireland’s charge

Capturing people’s imagination
One thing that remains certain however is that EVs are beginning to catch
the imagination of the general public as every time I stopped to charge the
car, I’d have someone come over to me asking a range of questions on range,
efficiency etc, simply because there remains little knowledge of it outside
of a small Irish community.

This is something, Herraghty says, is being addressed through old media, new
media and social media, but from what it looks like to me, and seemingly
from EV drivers, is that if we are to get more EVs on the road, it needs to
be encouraged not just from the ESB or the Government, but through companies
and the people themselves.

“The public infrastructure is expanding fast but I think it will need more
investment from companies, says EV driver Jan-Bart Spang. “I think most
people would be fine with an EV if they could charge at work. More could be
done on incentives like free access to bus lanes, road tax, tolls, VRT
discount, etc. This would give people something to think about.”

In the meantime, it is clear Irish EV owners are clearly fans of technology
given their work in establishing portals such as evFirst (login required)
which gives live statistics and info for EV drivers on charging points, as
well as offering the latest news and events.

What is certain is that the fact that that more EVs are entering the market
than ever before, the issues that EV drivers currently face will need to be
addressed if they are to actually get anywhere near the 250,000 cars they
want in.

As Barr elaborates, “When I joined the (Irish EV Owners) site, there was
maybe 20 members, but I think we’re approaching 400 members.”

As Fianna Fáil’s regularly mocked slogan said, it appears there’s “a lot
done, more to do”.
Public charge points (EVSE)

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