% EVent is open to the public for Tesla and other EVs (and the EV
curious/interested). It is a coordinated celebration, so register if you are
attending [
]. Celebrating 3 North Texas Supercharger locations with VIP guests and PR
value %

Tesla News & Details on the North Texas Supercharger Party

Fifty-nine cars registered [
] for our little party on Saturday and we are well on our way to one of the
largest events we’ve held. The Southlake parking lot has about 150 spaces,
so we’ve room for a few more...
We’re going to send an update email to registrants, with the specifics of
the day, but here’s a brief overview:

Southlake: [261 N Carroll Ave, Southlake, TX 76092  map
https://goo.gl/maps/11vVvQbHDPD2 ]
We’re setup and ready for our guests before 8:30a.
9:00 - Remarks & ribbon cutting.
9:45 - Driver briefing
10:00 - Leave for Plano

Plano: [5717 Legacy Dr, Plano, TX 75024  route map
https://goo.gl/maps/aEzZpbLqyVx ]
10:45 - Arrive Plano
11:00 - Remarks & ribbon cutting
11:15 - Lunch on your own with other owners at one of the many lunch places
we’ll recommend. Given our substantial participation, we won’t fit into one
place and will spread people out as they want.
12:30 - leave for Dallas

Dallas: [8007 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, TX 75231  route map
https://goo.gl/maps/9xa4mRXAkpC2 ]
1:15 - Arrive Dallas. Because of the cramped parking at this Supercharger,
we’ll park somewhat out-of-the-way in the shopping center and walk over to
the Supercharger. More on this in the communique to registrants
1:30 - Remarks

From there, the organized part of the event is over, but we’ll adjourn to
see our friends at HoundsTooth Coffee and TreeHouse [
https://goo.gl/maps/5cHRGbVPcfP2 ].

 This event is open to all electric vehicle owners. There is still time to
register Click the button directly below to come & Spread the word!

Click Here [
] to Register If you have yet to do so and plan to attend.

At Southlake, it will look best if everyone parks backed in on the North
side of the parking lot.

At Plano, Park on the TOP Level and follow down into the second level as
spaces fill. (fill the top deck first, and then park on lower levels as the
top fills in) 

At Dallas, If spots are available, please park above the Supercharger next
to Houndstooth Coffee and then start to fill in the parking lot of our
friends at TreeHouse.

*Please do not park in the Supercharger stalls unless you are charging. We
do not want to be #T_Holes to other owners not aware and needing a charge
while they are passing though ...
 -Benjamin Menke  bmenke @gmail.com

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