I was showing off my Volt and some solar power at the Kunta Kinte festival
in Annapolis and had as many interested folks as I evr got at an EV event.

ANYWAY, what REALLY draws people is having an inverter hooked to the 12v
battery and then lots of lightbulbs...


Wow, next time I will set out a table just for cell phone charging,..
Eveyrone wanted to use it.  Really brought people to me.
As word spread, more and more people came.

A great chance to sell SOLAR POWER (I had a solar panel providing 250W and
lighting 30 LED bulbs all around my car).
That was all on solar power..  But I could have just used my 1 kW inverter
in the car and then I could have charged all the cell phone plus kept 150
LED bulbs running just from the car even without the solar panel or on a
cloudy day.

See my display:

But next time, I won't bother with the big 250W solar panel (can power over
40 bulbs) and just use a smaller panel which is easier to move around and
then run everything on the EV battery 12v inverter.

A real crowd drawer.  And LED bulbs are under $1 each at Home depot in their
8 pack for $7.95 And the plastic lamp sockets are only $1.50.  My display
boards have 30 bulbs pluls another 7 on a fiddle board.

Wow, this was fun.
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