Can an electric car cover the continent? This man is driving 25,000 km to
find out
Jul 07, 2019  Haydn Watters

Wade Anderson hopes to cover 32 states, 5 provinces and territories in 2
months ... the middle of an epic two-month road trip to extreme points
around North America in his Tesla. He hopes to hit 32 states and five
provinces and territories. (Haydn Watters/CBC)!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_780/wade-anderson-extreme-points-around-the-u-s.jpg
 map  Anderson has plotted out this map of extreme points around the
continent. He expects it will take him about two months to do and he will
drive more than 25,000 km. (CBC)

Meet the man road tripping to North America's extremes — by electric car 
Wade Anderson is in the middle of a two month epic road trip to extreme
points around North America in his Tesla. Haydn Watters caught up with him
in Woodstock, Ontario. 4:04

Wade Anderson is hoping to drive to North America's most extreme points.
That is, if he can keep his car charged.

The Tucson, Ariz., man is three weeks into a two-month road trip around the
continent in his electric car, a Tesla Model 3. He left from Tucson last
month and has already hit the southernmost and easternmost points in the
continental U.S. — with many more "extremes" in his sights. 

"I'm just going on a journey," he said at a pit stop in Woodstock, Ont., 16
days into his trip. "It's important to get out there and just live life and
have these experiences."

Just how far he can get — and how fast — all depends on charging though.

Finding electric vehicle charging is not a problem in big cities and heavily
populated areas. But Anderson knows it will be an issue as he gets to more
remote locations. After all, he's attempting to get to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska,
the northermost point you can drive to in the U.S.

To get there, he's headed through Canada. He's still figuring out how
charging will work that far north.

"Whitehorse has a charger somewhere there, it's a public charger," he said.
"But after that, I don't know yet."
Ontario Morning from CBC Radio

'We're not quite there yet'

It's called "range anxiety" — that nagging worry about running out of fuel,
or in this case, a charge. 

He said the best place to recharge Teslas is at stations known as
superchargers. They charge the vehicles the fastest and give the most range.
But there are no superchargers in all of Alaska.

Other plugs work too, but they are a lot slower to charge. A standard
120-volt outlet only gives about eight km of range per hour of charging, not
ideal given Anderson plans to drive more than 25,000 km in just two months.
It's a problem in Canada too, where superchargers are scant in parts of the

[image]  Anderson will schedule meet ups at superchargers ?— or just
spontaneously meet people there along the way. 'I’ve met people I would
never meet normally because they are from a different realm.' (Haydn

If you're on a cross-country drive, there currently aren't any superchargers
between Sudbury and Fort MacLeod, Alta., a 2,900-km distance. Tesla is
planning on opening several along this route sometime later this year.

John Dixon, president and founder of the Tesla Owners Club of Ontario, said
there are more chargers than before, but acknowledges there is still work to

"We're not quite there yet," he said. He notes that it becomes even more
complicated in the Canadian winter, when cold weather lowers an electric
vehicle's range.

[image]  Anderson takes a look at his supercharger options. While the U.S.
has plenty, his options in Canada are more scant. (Haydn Watters/CBC)

Dixon said long-distance trips like Anderson's are doable.

"You just have to plan it out and you just have to be willing to wait a bit
'Don't want to have a lot of regrets'

This is far from Anderson's first adventure — he once rode a bike from Key
West, Fla., to Alaska. He's a physiotherapist in Arizona, where he works six
days a week for 10 months so he can take two months off to do this kind of

The journey takes him through 32 states and into five provinces and

"I'm hoping to be done in two months. That's what I've budgeted for and
that's still a stretch, because especially hotels get very expensive," he

Anderson is driving alone, but has stopped to visit old friends and new ones
— he meets up with people he discovers on Twitter at superchargers along the
route. He's got multiple cameras strapped up inside his car so he can
document his travels and post videos online.

[image]  Anderson named his car Eve, after the female robot in the animated
movie Wall-E. 'It’s a white car and I thought she was like this badass robot
in the movie and this is a badass car, so I thought the name fit.' (Haydn

He's hoping he can inspire others to take a trip like this.

"So much is fear, it's holding us back. We don't want to go out, we don't
want to do these things, because we're afraid. We're comfortable in our
life," he said.

"I don't want to have a lot of regrets at the end of my life when the time
comes. So when I'm in good health right now, I need to do these things while
I can."

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