A 32 volt 1940s vintage Jacobs generator will work fine charging a 48 volt 
battery.  It will produce the same maximum amperage at the 60 volts to fully 
charge a 48 volt battery as it produces at 40+ volts to charg a 32 vollt 
battery.  Among us Jacobs users, it is very common to use a 32 volt Jacobs to 
charge a 48 volt battery and they work well, if the battery and load is large 
enough, without any electronic generator regulation.  All I use is a hefty 
diode (rated at100 amps or more at 200 piv or greater, depending on what is 
available at a good price) as an anti-motoring diode, and a fuse.  The stock 
original cabinet of relays isn't necessary.  The wind turbine will work fine, 
and will produce the maximum amps (70A for the 2.8Kw machine) at the higher 
voltage and therefore more watts, in a slightly higher windspeed than in its 
original configuration.  We've been using our Jacobs 2500 watt machine since 
1977.Make sure your tower is properly and adequately grounded--nearby lightning 
strikes sometimes blow out my anti-motoring diode even with good grounding of 
the tower.No DC-to-DC converters or other fancy stuff needed.
Jim Erdman, in Menomonie, WI

Since I just monitor the EVDL, I have not learned the correct  
procedures to post. I hope that jumping in here with a question will  
be acceptable.

Question: Will a vintage 2800 watt, 32 Volt Jacobs wind generator  
charge an L16 FLA, Interstate 48 Volt battery?

The Proposed System:

A 48 Volt DC to 120/240 AC ?Out Back inverter would be fed by a ?4000  
or 8000 Watt PV panel. My question then, is it feasible to add the 32  
volt wind plant to charge the battery on a cloudy day?

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