Hi everyone,

I'm doing an electric conversion of a 1985 Honda Nightwing 750s motorbike.
My goal originally was to build it entirely from garbage or unwanted items,
and document/video the process and teach others how to overcome barriers to
curiosity, like spare money, missing knowledge, etc. I've been hugely
inspired by the EVAlbum and have spend whole days pouring over the archives
for build ideas so, thanks all very much for the content.

It's an intermediate part of my progression from building a recumbent
3-bicyle from a treadmill motor, to eventually an electric car. I know
nothing about mechanics at all so it's a learning project for me too.

I'm new to the list and haven't seen much for build logs here, is that
something generally frowned on or encouraged?

I'm about half-done and don't want to text-spam to bring everyone up to
speed if that's not the point of this list.
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