I had an errand to do in the Bronx, which is
about 1/3 of the way home.   PlugShare showed
a municipal lot at Jerome Avenue and 190th Street,
about 2 blocks from my errand.

Parking is not expensive, the charging stations
are just inside the attendant gate.
(which is not convenient in rush hour for backing out
to leave or to re-park at another slot.)

There are 3 Level 2 chargers, which are free!
BUT!  You need the App to turn on.
Customer Support was not able to do this.
(I had to delete videos of my kids to get room for the app :-)

I gained 11% / 12 miles.  When I got home,
I had 32% / 28 miles, so It wasn't so imperative to stop,
but this is good to know about.

(My errand was to a hobby shop that I saw
was selling EVs also - small RC cars :-)

Oh, the Most FUN of all was, the Station IDs were
NYC-01, 02, 03!   Was the Bronx the first
location to have an EV Connect charging station?
(Da Bronks IS the only borough on Mainland USA :-)

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