On Jul 26, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Steve Clunn via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> A few things I haven't seen mentioned  is that all these posts are archived
> so that people can look things up and how crazy am I does not say anything
> about Mustang hybrid conversions.  This is why I  replied with a new title
> so it can be archived for other people to research later.

Yes -- sorry 'bout that. I've tried to be more descriptive in my subsequent 

> I read that you are a little discouraged about finding out that amps don't
> add along with voltage. That said,  you should also  know that it does not
> take a lot of power to go down the road. 300 to 500 watt hours per mile may
> be confusing for you. 10 to 15 horsepower for cruising and 50 horsepower
> for accelerating moderately is what we're talking about.

That helps; thanks.

> We have had the ac vs dc argument here so many times. If you leave out the
> money factor AC. Maybe is the way to do it , I will concede that.

I still haven't settled on one over the other. I'm definitely leaning towards 
HPEVS, but I could easily see going with Netgain instead. It's a good problem 
to have -- having to pick between two good options.

> I am
> doing a project right now that is similar to what you are talking about in
> some ways ( it can be seen on my website) This will have a small generator
> in the front instead of the original gas engine as has been talked about
> here. It has 48- 200ah cells  and we'll have a 20 horsepower gas generator
> sitting where the engine used to be. TWO - 9" Net Gain Motors connected to
> the drive shaft and a 2k Zilla  Controller, which will cost about the same
> as Two AC motors 31s 51s.  I've done this setup 4 Times now  and this is
> the performance the customer got.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jc066nITnY
> and...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd792WXJmLg

Looks like a fun project! If I wind up with something comparable, I'm sure I'll 
be most happy. Not sure I'd do that to the tires, but....

> Green Shed Conversions (dot com) Sells hi output batteries and I have seen
> them put out 60C or 300 amps from a 5amp
> http://www.greenshedconversions.com/Pages/HIGHENDBATTERIES.aspx
> The problem with these high output cells is that they cost five times as
> much as the regular lithium so one could have five times the range at the
> same cost which would be proximately 25ah  and give a possible 100 amps
> instantaneous power..  Those are the trade-offs.

Yes -- those batteries look awesome. If they were half the price, or maybe even 
2/3 the price, they'd win the day for me. Half the weight, twice the power, 
almost as much capacity as the other likely options at this point. Maybe by the 
time I do my second conversion / upgrades / whatever....


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