OPEC Expects Global Share Of Electric Vehicles To Reach 13% By 2040
23rd September 2018  MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - The share of
electric vehicles worldwide is expected to reach 13 percent, the OPEC said
... "Electric vehicles, including battery electric and plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEVs), are set to experience a significant growth in
numbers and are forecast to reach around 320 million units in 2040 ...
Combined, the share of electric vehicles in the total fleet is projected at
around 13%, while the penetration of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs,
including electric vehicles) is expected to reach around 18% by 2040," the
report read ...
Oil industry needs to invest $11 trillion to meet demand ...
2018-09-23  ... by 2040, ... OPEC thinks there will be about 320 million
electric vehicles on the road, or about 13 percent of the worldwide fleet

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