On a list for Dutch people in the SF Bay Area, I came across a
question for people
who do not yet have an EV, so I asked if they also were gathering info
from EVers
and they are, so they sent me the following description and link to a Google doc
with 10 questions, it is not required to answer them all, but feel
free to share the
info that you feel comfortable to submit (I already did):

Questionnaire for EV owners
A group of us at UC Berkeley are trying to develop out-of-the-box
solutions to make EVs more desirable to the greater public. As EV
owners, you are in the best place to inform us on the ups and the
downs of having an EV and what can be improved. Fill out any or all
questions that catch your eye. Your help is VERY appreciated.
UNSUBSCRIBE: http://www.evdl.org/help/index.html#usub
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NEDRA)

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