1st my thanks for the responses.

Status: That old house 4sale near the sa va hospital (within walking,
crutching, e-mobility distance) is now in a pending state. Someone else made
a bid for the house that was accepted = its sold Jim). 

I thought I had enough time as it had been on the market for over 400 days
with no takers. Then suddenly, it is snapped up. Hmm ... seems like the sa
housing market sells quite quick ...
(that is what I was already told a couple weeks ago by a couple of local
homeowner gals. And now I've seen how quick: ouch). 

I best get my act together and have cash in hand to nab the next house I
want, asap, 
(else get left face down in the dirt).

So, all my good-intentioned (wild-eyed) home-EVSE access, plans, &ideas are
now off the table.
Again, thanks Y’all (my 1st southern inflection/drawl since moving to TX) [
] :-)

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