
About this time of year is when I remind you all again of the NDEW EVent
held near me. But I have already done that
 and I am not going to be at that EVent this year.

This year I plan to visit Texas to do a relocation reconnoiter, and hang out
with the San Antonio EV folk at their NDEW EVent
 before I return home.

Same as a while back when I went up to Boise, to check out the area, and
then hang out with their EV drivers at their NDEW EVent, so I want to do the
same in Texas.

Just north of there, Austin is also having a NDEW EVent
 but it is unclear if I will also go to that one.

Texas will be quite a change for me. I have not been there in years: way
back during my 1970's military service, and again in the late 1980's when hp
sent me to Dallas for HP-PA RISC training
 Those were the days of the radical Spectrum project: from ttl prototypes,
to SOS silicon on sapphire, to the faster ECL (CEs would point to the
rounded traces on the boards, joking with customers that ECL was so fast,
the board traces couldn't have any sharp corners, else the customer's data
would fly off).

30+ years later, I am likely to see way less EVs on Texas roads compared to
seeing EVs everywhere in Silicon Valley. I am hoping where ever I resettle
has what I need to continue contributing to the EV-cause in my own

A big thanks to all those Texans (especially our own Texas Tesla driving
Willie) who helped me understand better what I needed to know (so I will
make less mistakes).

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